Chapter 20: Wait

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She slowly placed her head on Alfred's favorite pillow. He called this pillow as his secret haven. A haven that he will no longer have. She knew this. The mere thought of the bed being half empty hurt her and she stopped herself from letting out a sob. 

The room. Their room was quiet and huge. Thoughts of possible mistakes raced through her mind. What have I done wrong, she asked herself. Where did I go wrong?

The silence grew. She closed her eyes.

" Yhan." 

Someone's calling out to her. 

" Yhan."

She opened her eyes and scanned the room. No one in sight. She heard a door creaking. It was the bathroom's door. Someone's calling her from in there. 

" Yhan."

She got up. Her eyes fixed on the now opened bathroom door. 

There was a hand motioning her to come. The hand was pale and bruises were all over the skin. Nails were blue and covered in mud. But it's calling out to her. 

" Yhan, over here."

She placed her feet on the floor. Her eyes never left the hand. She stood up. 

" Yhan." 

The hand continued to motion her to come. It's alluring. It's enticing. It's drawing her in. She took one step forward and then another. And then another. 

She's dragging her feet across the floor. 


That's right, slowly. 

She heard some female giggling but she didn't mind. All she cared was her Alfred. Her Alfred.

She continued to drag her feet across the floor to the bathroom's door. She reached to a halt and pushed the bathroom door fully open. 

There was no hand. No woman. It was only her in the bathroom. 

But nothing is what it seemed to be. 

" Yhan."

Someone's whispering her name. She could hear it.  It was comforting and relaxing. 

The voice grew closer to her right ear but she didn't care to look back.

" Yhan."

She noticed the bathtub was full of water and there was a hair dryer buzzing on the sink. She stared at the hair dryer.

" He's waiting for you." The whisper continued. " Yhan, he's waiting for you."

Yhan slowly reached for the hairdryer.

" Yes, yes, he's waiting for you."

She could feel the wet clammy hands wrapping around her chest. But she couldn't care less. 

Yhan went into the bath tub and slowly soaked herself in. There was no turning back now, she knew that. Alfred won't come back to her. That is why, she must do this. That is why she must go to Alfred. Alfred's waiting for her. 

Just before she placed the buzzing hairdryer in the tub with her, she clearly heard the voice whisper...

" We're waiting for you."

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