Chapter 87: Gun

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I froze and held my breath. I was afraid that even one movement of mine would force Mac to pull the trigger. Kim was already holding back her sobs as she looked at me. 

" Mac..." I started. " Lower the gun."

He just looked at me and clicked his tongue, not moving an inch. Gun, still in place. Seeing no response from him, I continued. " Please. I beg of you." I raised my hands to him, trying to calm his inner monster. Tears were already welling and I felt one tear run down my cheek.

" And what are you going to do if I don't?" He pushed the gun towards Kim's forehead, making Kim shut her eyes of the unthinkable. He was holding a .44 magnum and how I wished the odds were with us, not against. 

" Please..." I sobbed. " Just... Just take me instead. Leave her alone." For the first time in my life, I was begging like my life depended on it. This was Kim we were talking about here. She didn't deserve any of this. We didn't deserve any of this. And if this should require one sacrifice among Yhan, Kim and I, then I would gladly take that place. Yhan and Kim had had enough.Besides, it all started with my dreams.

" Oh, Josephine. You're ridiculously weak." he chuckled. 

" I'm n-not Josephine..." I muttered. 

" Yes you are! You're Josephine! You're my Josephine!" he snapped, forcing the gun on Kim's temple making her wince in pain. This must be so terrifying for her. She was sobbing uncontrollably now. He was holding her hostage and I knew I was the only person who could save her. Who could save us. 

" Yes! I'm... I'm Josephine!" I stuttered. My hands were shaking and trembling so hard that I thought I could lose my balance any second now. I walked slowly towards him. " Just... Just put the gun down. Please."

" I'm sorry, Josephine. I just can't let her live. I just can't."

As I noticed his finger flinch a little, I shouted with all my might. " No!"

The sound of the gunshot continued to ring in my ears. Tears were already falling nonstop on my cheeks and just then I realized that I had saved Kim. I had thrown the rock that I used for freeing myself from the ropes that I picked hastefully from the ground just before he fired. It had hit Mac's temple and blood was dripping visibly. My eyes quickly darted towards Kim, whose eyes were widened by the sudden jolt of action I just made.

" You should start running now, you bitch!" He started walking towards me, ignoring Kim on the ground beside him. Something in his words, clicked a memory though.

" Kim!" I called out as I tilted my head towards the rock, backing away. Kim's eyes narrowed at the rock and understood my message. Mac's pace sped up a little as he tried to match mine. I began to run. I just wanted to save Kim. I wanted to draw his attention from Kim. The woods. Yes, the woods. That would be the perfect place to lose him. Another memory clicked. 

I headed deeper into the woods to God knows where. I whizzed past countless number of trees, leaving the dead autumn leaves crunching beneath my every step. Mac was insane and he needed help. I think we all did. But now was not the time to think about those things. I needed to escape and I needed to stop him. I bet those dismembered body parts were also part of his sacrificial lamb. I bet he was going to throw them and strangle both me and Kim thereafter. Or vice versa. No wonder he had our feet and hands tied to prevent us from struggling free. No. No way in hell was I going to let that happen. 

" Where are you, you whore!?" I heard his voice echo throughout the woods. I stopped, not wanting him hear the crunching of leaves as I went. I crouched and slowly made my way behind a large pine tree. I didn't want to be careless. I didn't want him to hear me. 

My breathing became eratic as I knew he was coming closer to my location. I could feel him. I could feel his killer intent drawing closer. I knew what was happening here. I feared him. 

I covered my mouth with my hands as I tried to hold my whimper in. I was scared and terrified. My whole body was trembling with fright. And if I succumb to it, I knew I would be dead. And Kim would be next. And then Yhan. We would all be dead. 

The silence grew as I tried my best not to move at all. It was deafening. I didn't know where he was at the moment and neither did he. I was afraid that even one movement of mine would make him know my location. I wouldn't want that happening at all. And I wouldn't want him to catch me and end me in the woods. I peeked over the tree's trunk to check if the coast was clear. No sign of him. My clothes were soaked with sweat and my heart beat was fast. I should be careful in calling for help. I crouched from one tree to another; hiding behind them as I went. I continued this process until the sight of the Victorian house was visible in the distance. I knew that I had to run for it. To run for my life. This was a matter of life and death. I just hoped that Kim was able to escape when Mac got distracted. Oh Lord, please. As I neared the house, it was unusually quiet. No sign of him and whatsoever. I knew that somewhere in that house would serve me a weapon. A knife, a chair, perhaps the shotgun that Winston Walter used, anything at all to help me go against Mac. I wasn't fighting for my life here. I was fighting for Kim and Yhan. I crouched and made my way towards the back door. Still no sign of him. I turned the kitchen knob; the rusty cringes squeaked open as I made my way in. 

I sighed as I was welcomed by the warmth of the house. 

I stood up but froze when I felt something cold digging onto the nape of my neck. 

" Got you."

It was Mac. And I knew it was a gun. 

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