Chapter 78: Memory: Arguement

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I didn't know how long I was held up in here. Two days? Three days? Or a week or so? Is it June already? I wasn't sure. I was held captive in his study room. I wasn't allowed to go out. I was his wife, but I was treated like a prisoner. I was given a small basin as a urinal and for other comforts and the like. For food? A tray full of mushy stuff that I didn't recognize was shoved under the door three times a day. I bet it was Winston himself who did that. Maybe I deserved this. I knew the consequences of my sin. I have sinned so greatly that I hoped that the Lord himself would forgive me.

I hadn't seen my children. It felt like ages since I last got out of this house. I hoped they were okay. I bet they were forbidden to see me. Not only them, but also Neema. And Thomas. They were my light at the moment and I hoped that the four them are alive and well. 

I was sitting on the antique chair and my eyes darted towards the glass window. This was my only safe haven. For now, that is. This was the closest that I could get outside. I could see the bay in the vast distance and the rocky shore below, peering through the gaps of the curtains. It was night time. The moon was ablaze with silver. I had worn this Victorian dress since that night and memories of it were still fresh in my mind. How did Winston find out? Intuition? Guess? Did he see Thomas and I? So many questions were inside my head and I had no answers to even one of them. 

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. It was audible as the waves that came crashing down the rocky shore below. I continued to stare at the horizon, not minding the door knob that came unlocked with a click. When the door finally swung open, that's when I looked at him. 

This man here, was my husband. He had grown out most of his features. His stubble was visible in the dark room. He was wearing a black suit and he was breathing heavily. I looked at him straight in the eyes. This time, it wasn't fear I was feeling. Neither disgust. This time, for the first time ever, I was angry at him.  

" Hello darling. Had enough yet of all this?" He motioned his hand to the room. I remained silent. 

He took a step forward and had his brows raised in mockery. " Do you miss me?" I continued to remain silent. I heard him scoff at that and mumbled, " Figures."

He was trying to start something here. He was luring me into something. What was he trying to do? 

" It is not me who you miss but it is someone else." he stopped. He looked down at the floor and continued, " Thomas. Sweet, sweet Thomas."

This made me twitch. " If you do not have any other concerns, leave me be, Winston. I know that I deserve this." 

He looked at me and I knew that his eyes were filled with curiosity. He was here for a reason. That, I was sure of. 

" If you and your man-whore had even thought of getting away with it," he paused. His eyes were locked in mine. " ... you're gravely mistaken, my love."

I clenched my fists. I was fighting the intimidation he was giving. I never liked intimidating people and yet, I had married one. " What are you mumbling abou-"


My eyes widened to his outburst. His calm demeanor had totally vanished and this was a different Winston I was facing. He shook his head and fixed his bow tie with his right hand, as if to apologize for acting impolitely. I could see that he was breaking. He couldn't place his emotions in check. The Walters were known for that. 

" When?" 

I turned to him, unsure of his question. My expression might have given him a message as he repeated and rephrased it.

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