Chapter 72: Us

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My muscles tensed as we continued to drive past tall scary trees. No slouching this time. Their branches loomed over the road making it look like we were driving into a demon's mouth. The last thing we would never want happening would be a run-down car. If that would happen, then the odds were against us.

GOD was against us.

 Fortunately, we just happened to come across the lady twice. Not that I was wishing for it to happen more than that. 

The way to Tacoma General Hospital would only be a mere 20 minute ride. But today, it felt like we had driven for hours. Due to the fact that we had experienced something paranormal and both Mac and I wanted to just fly away from here, a minute in this lone dark road felt like an hour. We just wanted to get ourselves as far as this road could get. 

At least we were driving in silence. No static voices and no creepy stereo. Neither of us wanted to speak out our thoughts too about what had happened. Maybe, we didn't want to remember. But we didn't want to forget too. 

I sat up as I saw something... someone... on the side of the road up front. The unidentified entity was standing still, like it was waiting for us to just eventually go past it. As we neared the silhouette, the lights of the car bleamed over it and our eyes met. It was a quick pass but I knew who I just saw. 

" Alfred?" I whispered under my breath. 

" What?" Mac asked beside me. 

" Alfred." I repeated. I pointed back with my thumb and continued. " Did you see that?"

" See what?" Mac asked again. 

" Alfred." I repeated. My voice was as low as ever. " I just saw ALFRED."

Mac let out a scoff and answered between chuckles. " Look here, Mau. I know that the both of us are tired and we just saw something so unexplainable, but Alfred's dead. There's no way you could see him standing here in the middle of nowhere. And besides, I didn't see anyone at all."

I pursed my lips, and this time, slouched on my seat. I didn't want to be imagining things let alone go cuckoo. If he wasn't able to see that... If he wasn't able to see him... then that would mean I was the one going haywire here. 

I closed my eyes and rubbed them. It must have been the darkness of the road playing tricks on me. I opened my stinging eyes just to see another silhouette up front coming our way. The entity was also standing on the side of the road just like Alfred had did. This time, there were two of them. 

It was a woman and a man. The man was wearing ragged clothes and a hat, and he was young and handsome. He was blonde. And the woman beside him was the same woman that opened Josephine Walter's home to me. The nanny. 

And that's when I realized. 

It was Neema and Thomas Garner when he was young. 

I sat up too late as we drove past them. I could make out Neema shaking her head to me. What did she mean? Why was she shaking her head?

My heart was starting to beat so eratically. I had to ask. 

" Don't tell me you didn't see that?" I asked, my voice in a high tone. I wanted to hear a different answer this time. I wanted to hear an answer to tell me that I wasn't going crazy. 

" See what?" Mac glanced at me. 

" That! Those two people we just passed." I answered. It was difficult getting my body to calm down. I was running on fear now. 

" No." Mac shook his head. " I didn't see anyone."

I mumbled something that I myself didn't understand. What was happening here? Before I could gather my thoughts, there was another entity up front. These silhouttes were small. And I knew what we were about to go past. It was the twins. Our eyes met and they pointed at the car. This made my hair stand at its end. Why were they pointing at us? 

We went past them and cold sweat was starting to break out everywhere on my body. 



Thomas Garner.

And the twins...

They were trying to tell me something here. But I couldn't quite figure it out yet. All the hackles of my body rose as I mustered the courage to ask. I couldn't believe I was doing this but I just had to. 

" Mac..." I started. "... where are we going?"

Mac looked at me and back to the road before answering. " What are you talking about? We're heading to Tacoma."

My lips thinned as I could hear myself breathing heavily. I looked front and this time I saw the lady. Her face was still covered with her long dark hair. But something in me knew her. Something in me, welcomed her. 

She raised her hands to us and her neck tilted sidewards. Her mouth opened, letting out an audible groan. We drove past her. We drove past Josephine Walter.

All of them were warning me about something. And they were all reaching out to us. They were all reaching out to the car. I gulped loudly as I tried to gather the strength to ask once again. 

" Mac..." I started. Mac took a quick left turn, leading us upward. We were driving up a hill now. And I knew, this wasn't where the hospital was.

" Hm?" His eyes were focused on the road.

" Where are you... taking me?" My heart was beating so fast that my breathing tried coping up with it. My eyes were focused on the road. 

I didn't hear any response from him. 

Mustering the courage to ask, I let out a small sob as I repeated the question. " Mac... where are you taking me?" I turned quickly to my left to face him but what met my face was a hard blow. 

And I fell into dark unconsiocus slumber. 


                             A/N: HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! 

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