Chapter 35: Fault

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Yhan stood from the floor, breaking the circle. She was breathing heavily. She was in shock and it must have hurt her.  Alfred has gone missing for two days now and here we were, performing a seance only to find out that he was now a spirit. A ghost. And what's worse was, he was looking for help.

" No." she muttered as she shook her head. " Why... Why 'HELP'!?" she turned to me. I hadn't got any clue. I had no answers. I pursed my lips and continued to focus on the board, not making eye contact.

" It's all your fault." I heard her say. I looked back at her and she was already engulfed in rage. " It's all your fault!" 

Kim stood between me and her. " That's not fair, Yhan." I bowed my head in silence. I could feel Yhan's intense gaze at me. It's not my fault, at least that's what I love to think.

" No. It's not." she muttered. " But it isn't also fair why Alfred has to go missing when she was the one having those dreams."

Those mere words had hit rock bottom. She was right. I was the one having those nightmares and yet, they had to take an innocent man away. An innocent man that didn't get anything to do with me. I might unless disappear here and right now just to ease Yhan's pain of loss. 

With my eyes still focused on the board, I noticed that the planchette moved. 

With the growing silence that was testing our friendship continued to linger in the air, tears formed in my eyes. My eyes were watery but I was holding back the tears. No weaknesses now, Mau, was what I kept telling myself. I didn't want to cry. I didn't want to show them that I was weak and was hurt by Yhan's words. All I wanted was to stop this whole phenomena and continue on with our lives. 

I stood up in silence and went up the stairs. My back was heavy with their gaze. I felt a tear ran across my cheek. 

Mac followed.

" Yhan, you know what you did to her WASN'T fair." I heard Kim say as I continued to walk, exiting the basement's door. 

As I continued my way to the living room, Yhan's words kept echoing in my mind. Maybe, this time, it WAS my fault. And I just had to accept that.

As I exited the hallway, what I saw stopped me dead on my tracks. My eyes fixed on the scene. Mac continued his way beside me.

" Mau? I am so sorry... A while ago...You and your friends..." he said. He noticed my shocked expression and followed my gaze. 

And what we saw, gave us goosebumps. 

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