Chapter 23: Weak

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I knocked on the door a few times but still haven't received an answer. I knocked again, and this time harder.

" Coming!" I heard him say.

The door opened and we were greeted by Mac. He was wearing a white robe, his glasses slipping off his nose and his hair, messy. He was surprised and at the same time happy to see us. To see me. 

" Mau!" he greeted us with a smile. That smile faded when he saw Yhan bleeding her nose out. " What-" he placed his hands around her. " What the hell happened?"

" I'm sorry but can we come inside? Sorry to intrude like this." I snifled. It was cold and we were wearing shorts and shirts. Clothes that were not suited for this kind of weather. And I bet he noticed that when he laid his eyes onto the three of us. 

" Sure, sure." He led Yhan inside his home and Kim and I followed. I closed the door and locked it. 

I looked around the house and the interior was cozy. Cream colored wallpaper all around you, engulfing you in warmth. We passed by the living room and the television was on. He was watching some cartoons before we came. 

" I'm going to tend to Yhan and after that, I have the right to know everything." Mac said in a manly manner. This man here was my boyfriend. Was.

" I thought you were afraid of blood." I unconsciously blurted. They all looked at me and all I did was pursed my lips. 

" Yes. That's right." he nodded, his lips thin. " But that's before the breakup." I heard Kim whistled silently, in a way of telling me 'you got burn' tone. I eyed her and she innocently shrugged. 

Mac and Yhan both disappeared upstairs and Kim and I were left on the ground floor. I continued to study the house. I remember when Mac invited me to live with him. He got his own space, his own house, everything. But I refused. I wasn't ready. Not yet, so to seem.

I traced my hand on everything that it manages to touch. And I came to a halt when I noticed a photo of Mac and I, back in Las Vegas, having the time of our lives. The photo was securely mounted in a red picture frame. He had this very huge grin on his face as he placed his arms around me and I was kissing him on the cheek. We had confettis and disco lights on the background. I let out a small laugh as I raised the photograph to get a closer look. 

" The two of you would have been a good match, you know." 

I turned around and saw Kim behind me. She was smiling gently. I narrowed my eyes back at the photographed and placed it back on the small wooden table. 

" Not now, Kim. This is not the right time." I said. 

Just when Kim was about to say something unasked for, we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. 

" She's all patched up." Mac smiled like it was an accomplishment. Yhan followed behind him. Her nose was plastered with bandage, like those nose strips you see in pharmacies. At least, it could stop the bleeding.

" You okay? Why don't you get some rest?" I immediately said, my eyes on Yhan.

Mac let out a sigh. " I told her to but she said-"

" I don't want those monsters haunting me again." Yhan cut him off. 

Mac turned to us. " See?"

Yhan was right. For some reason, Josephine Walter was targeting her the most. It must be because she has gone through so much. Alfred has gone missing and she was about to electrocute herself in the tub. And going through so much, makes us humans humans.


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