Chapter 80: Memory: Join

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Her words stunned me. I need to get out? Why was she saying this? Where's my children?

" Neema... Adam... Alice... where are they?" I forced a smile, refusing to think that the blood on her might be theirs. I pushed away the thought. No, they must be alive. Winston didn't have the guts. He had a reputation to hold. He was a Walter, for crying out loud. No, he wouldn't dare.

I saw Neema shake her head and closed her eyes. Like she was telling me that it was already too much for her to tell me. I took a step back from her, in terror. 

" Listen Milady... Winston is out to get you my child. You have to run away from here. I beg of you..." she pleaded. Her words rang inside my head. I refused to believe that my children were gone. I refused to belive everything. Many questions ran through my mind. Is the blood on Neema theirs? Did Winston murder them? Or did she?

I grabbed Neema by the shoulders, not minding the blood.

" Neema! Are my children alright!?" I shook her. She looked at me for a moment. Her eyes were filled with despair. I knew from the bottom of my heart that she had witnessed something that she, herself, didn't want to see. I, then, knew what the answer was. I wasn't given any time to let out my emotions. My heart stopped for a moment. I wanted to know what had happened to them, but I was too afraid  of the truth. I wanted to cry, to scream in agony. But now, wasn't exactly the time for that. We jolted to the sound of a shotgun being fired downstairs. 

" Neema, I know you are up there! Come down and make me some grub to eat!" he lied. We both knew that wasn't the truth. If Neema would succumb to his call, it would be the end of her. Neema and I looked at each other. I could see from Neema's expression that she had experienced too much. And it was my turn to save her.

" Listen, I want you to call for help. Call the police, anything. I am going to distract that madman." I couldn't believe I would call my husband that. However, in a way, it felt good. 

" What are you going to do Milady?" she whispered. Her voice sounded like she was just out from the cold. 

I looked down. I just had to let Neema escape from this house. Extemporization was my only option. I smiled at her genuinely, " I might as well improvise."


I peered down the stairs. Winston was sitting comfortably on one of the living room's bergeres and was smoking his favorite pipe. He had his back on the stairs so this would be a perfect time to sneak out. He must be waiting patiently for Neema to approach him. I could make out the double barrel shotgun beside him, leaning beside him. We have to stay as quiet as possible. I looked back at Neema, and she was shivering in fear. It must be all her adrenaline rushing out from her body. I peered down the stairs again, scanning the scenery in front of me for any means of escape. My eyes darted towards the kitchen door. I looked back at Neema and nodded, signaling her that we have to go. 

We made our way down the stairs as quietly as possible. I stopped when I saw trails of blood on the floor. Bile formed inside my stomach and I had to hold it in. I shut my eyes, pushing away the thoughts that they were my children's. 

We crouched silently towards the kitchen, taking every step as slowly as we could. The knives that were set on the kitchen counter were alluring enough to go against Winston. Perhaps, I could stab him from behind. But having to think a knife versus a shotgun? I couldn't take the risk it would bring. I would jeopardize my life and Neema's escape. I turned to my left and noticed two plates empty of their meal. My children had had their dinner before their father called them in. 

We continued our way through the kitchen. I would often glance back at Winston, to see if he had his face turned to us or not. But so far, so good. Now it was the kitchen's back door. The door had rusty cringes so there would be a possibility of a screeching sound occuring. Neema looked at me, clearly having the same thoughts as I. We were running out of time and we were still in the house. To find another way out or to run for it? Which would be the best option? We were already here so we might unless do it. But we both knew that the sound would fire up a deranged Winston. 

" Neema, I know you're there. Make me something to eat now, won't you?"

Our muscles tensed as we heard his voice. We quickly turned to look at him but he still had his back at us, his eyes focued on his pipe. Did he spot us? Only one way to find out. I turned to Neema, nodding at her. She understood right away. 

" Yes, Sir. What would you like for tonight?" Neema replied calmly. 

" Steak. A meaty steak would be fine." Silence followed after. We sighed in relief. " Oh, and Neema..."

We held our breaths again, bracing ourselves for what he was going to say next. Or worse, do next. " Yes, Sir?"

" Thank you for your service."

Neema and I looked at each other, surprised of his words. He stood up from the bergère and carried his shotgun with him. He slowly turned to us and his lips curved into a smile. 

" Oh, Josephine. It was kind of you to join us." 

We Were ThereTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon