Chapter 11: Know

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I gulped down the whole glass of water. I was thirsty from sweating so much. The bed covers are soaked with my sweat and I feel kind of embarassed. I looked around the room and saw Yhan and Kim together at the end of the bed and Alfred on a chair, just beside the bedside table. This scene would probably look like a member of the family has just been diagnosed with cancer. And I was that  family member.

" Are you okay now?" Alfred cautiously asked. 

" Yeah. Kind of." My voice was hoarse and low. My throat's dry. 

I looked at Kim. The scratches were still there. I know I gave her those. It's pretty obvious. I should apologize. I have tainted her beautiful skin. That skin I sometimes envy of.

Kim looked at me with empty eyes. She was flushed. Her skin was pale and she seemed agitated. It's like she had just seen a ghost. 

" Kim?" I started. I pointed at at my left jaw to motion hers. " Sorry."

Kim snapped out from whatever she was thinking and smiled nervously. " Y-Yeah. No problem." She looked at me, trying to hide whatever she was feeling and continued. " It's just a scratch."

" Scratches." I corrected. 

She smiled again. This time, she was forcing it. 

 " What did you dream about?" 

I looked at Yhan. She was worried and at the same time, curious. And if I am given the chance to describe her facial expression, curiosity would cover eighty percent of it. 

I looked down. I honestly don't know where to start. Everyone is waiting for me. 

The silence in the room grew as I struggled to search for the right words. 

But I just couldn't.

I want to live."

We turned to Kim who was still holding out on her own. Her face still flushed.  " I want to live." she repeated. " You kept saying those words, Mau." she looked at me. 

I just looked back at her. She looked at me with a concerned slash serious expression. This is the first time I have seen her like this. Something must've happened to her. I looked down. I took a deep breath and started from the beginning.

The beginning of my story. 

" And that's it. I've been having these dreams lately." I said. " I was somebody else in my dream. I was always a woman, being chased by..." I paused.  I looked at Kim. " ... this man." I continued. Something's connected here. I just know it. 

" What?" Kim asked as I continued to stare at her.

" How did this Mrs. Josephine Walter die?" I said. Something's definitely connected here. Definitely. I am sure of it. 

" She was murdered by her husband." she quickly replied. 

" Yeah. But HOW?" I just have to know. 

Yhan placed her right hand on her right hip and shifted her weight on one foot. " What are you getting at, Mau? Do you think you were as Josephine Walter?" I heard Alfred scoff. 

I turned to Yhan. " I DON'T think." There was silence in the room. " I KNOW."

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