Chapter 27: Study Room

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I know this was a nightmare again. My real body was somewhere in Yhan's room, groaning. I just hoped that they would hear my moans and would eventually wake me up before I would jolt awake. And I wouldnt' like that. 

I was in this spacious room. From what I could see, it was a study room. There were shelves lined up against each other and each were filled with books. Countless number of books. The scent of musty old books lingered in the air and it was nostalgic. I didn't know why but it was. Everything was only lit by the moonlight that peered through the curtain-covered window. It was a full moon. There were so many books on the desk which I knew I was using. I was sitting on this very beautiful antique chair and looked down. And yet again, I was a woman. Lace victorian dress was what I was wearing. It was beautiful though, but at the same time, eery. My brown wavy hair was in a bun, although strands of it were already on my face. 

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. It was as audible as the waves that came crashing onto the rocky shore below. I continued to watch the horizon and finally turned around when I heard the door swung open. 

And I saw a gentleman.

He was handsome and lean. His stubble was visible in this dark room. He was wearing a black suit and was breathing heavily. Something was wrong here. I just knew it.

All of a sudden, I was projected out from the body that I was in and found myself standing in the corner of the study room. I was invinsible. I watched the two figures argue in the dark. Their expressions hard, their mouths screaming but the strange thing was, I couldn't hear any sounds.They argued and argued and I was in the room listening to nothing at all.

The woman shouted something that gave the man a surprise. I didn't know what it was but I believed it hit him right in the gut. It hit him hard. 

His now hard expression turned into agression. He lunged to the woman and held her hand and threw her towards the window. The woman winced on the impact. The windows shook. Those windows were the only barrier between her and the rocky shore below. 

The man pressed her cheek with his right hand. She held back his hand but he was too powerful. She was scared and he was furious. I continued to look at them when the woman looked familiar. 

It was Josephine Walter. 

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