Chapter 18: Alfred

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I woke up to the sound of Yhan's voice. I am in the guest room and I am safe. Kim and Yhan were both looking at me. 

I got up and looked at my hands. I was shivering. In a matter of two days, I have had the same nightmare. THRICE!

" We woke up to your moans. Nightmare again?" Yhan muttered. 

I silently nodded. 

" Are you okay?" Kim asked. 

I shook my head. It IS true. I'm not okay. If this keeps up, sooner or later, something WILL happen. And then it flashed to me.

" Alfred." 

" What?"

" Alfred! He was there! In my dream!"

Yhan looked at Kim with a puzzled face. They must think I'm crazy but I really DID see Alfred in my dream. He told me to...

... to run.

I got out from bed as fast as I could and went out of the room. " ALFRED! ALFRED!"

Yhan and Kim followed behind me. 

" What are you doing?" Kim asked with an angry expression. 

" He... Alfred, he..." I'm out of breath. If he's in my dream, what does it mean? 

" Stop fooling around, Mau." Kim muttered. 

" ALFRED!" I continued to shout his name. I went down stairs and continued calling for his name. I felt a tight pull on my wrists. I turned back.

" If you're going to make things worse, you have done enough!" Kim whispered in an angry tone. I looked at Yhan, who was standing on the staircase, and I could make out tears falling from her eyes. 


I started to calm down. 

Kim let go of my wrists. It hurts but I needed someone to snap me out of it. What the heck am I doing? I made Yhan's predicament worse. But if I don't speak up now... If I don't tell them what I saw in my dream... It would be too late by then. 

" Kim, I need to talk to you."

Kim looked at me and saw that I was dead serious. " Is this about Alfred?" she whispered, making sure that Yhan couldn't hear a single word from us. 

I nodded still with my eyes fixed on hers. Kim sighed and added,  " After."

We went to Yhan and hugged her. She started sobbing. 






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