All Hallows Eve CH 1

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AN: This story ties in with my other fanfiction Truly a Gaunt. You don't have to read TAG to get what is going on here, but it helps to know a few of the characters. That being said, this is it's own separate thing.  Enjoy!

Hogwarts/ 7th year

Garreth was very, very late for his date in Hogsmeade. It was almost a miracle that Annalee Artin had said yes to him. It was last minute for sure, but it was another miracle that she didn't have a date yet. The freckled boy was the last in the boys changing room after Quidditch practice. He didn't know practice would go on that long, he also didn't know the captain would keep him even later to run drills. He had begged him several times to let him go but to no avail.

Showering was out of the question; it would make him even later. He just threw on a deep red jumper with a 'G' on the chest and some loose-fitting slacks. It was a Halloween party, but he didn't look very spooky. "Oh man I'm gonna look like a total tool." He spoke to himself, throwing on a pair of worn brown boots.

He hurried as fast as he could, almost running up the pathway to Hogsmeade. He was supposed to meet Annalee outside the entrance. He was hoping she was still there. The moon was high in the sky and the air was chilly, it was a perfect October night. He saw someone running towards him up ahead. A pretty girl in a flowy black dress. It looked like she had been crying.

She passed by him, not even acknowledging he was there. Then he realized who exactly it was. His date. He followed her, finally catching up. "Annalee! Hey, I'm sorry I was late! I got caught up in Quidditch practice. Are you ok? What's wrong?" The girl didn't stop, she kept running down the path as he ran beside her. "Hey, stop for a second, will you? I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you." He grabbed ahold of her wrist.

Annalee jerked it out of his hand, finally talking to him through a tear-stained face. "Just leave me alone Garreth!" She continued running back towards school, leaving Garreth by himself.

What had he done? Sure, he was late, but he meant it when he said he would make it up to her. Women were temperamental that was for sure. It wasn't going to stop him from going to the party though. So what if he didn't have a date, he could always find someone else to hang out with. Maybe Natty was free?

He got closer to the entrance of Hogsmeade, now passing by another one of his classmates. Ominis Gaunt walked by him, one hand in his pocket and the other holding his swollen cheek. "Oh shit, what happened to you mate?" He asked.

"Fuck off Weasley." Was all he said.

Was everyone in a bad mood tonight? It was Halloween for Merlin's sake!

He entered Hogsmeade finally, relieved to know that hadn't missed all the festivities. It seemed everyone else was in a good mood here. People were dancing and drinking butterbeer, having the time of their lives. It wasn't long before he spotted his friend Natty, but she looked preoccupied at the moment. He was glad she had found a date, but that left him alone for the night.

He spotted a fire whiskey stand that was there for the adult attendees. It didn't matter if he was underage or not, he didn't have enough money anyway. A clever idea came on him along with a mischievous smile. He backed into an alleyway before casting a disillusionment charm. He kept his body low, being careful not to bump into anyone as he crept up to the front of the stand.

A older gentleman who worked for the company was handing a couple their drinks and Garreth seized his opportunity. He grabbed two fire whiskeys from the stand and crept across the street beside the building of Honeydukes. Once he felt he was safe, he let go of his charm, now able to be seen again. He smiled down at his treasure and threw one back, feeling a warm tingle go into his belly.

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicWhere stories live. Discover now