Hot-headed CH 30

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 Garreth sat behind the counter of Honeydukes, wearing a pink and green apron over his normal clothes. When Julie told her boss about the predicament they found themselves in, he laughed, thinking she was pulling his leg. Unfortunately, she wasn't, and she wished she was. Mrs. Weasley was finishing up the antidote later today, saying it would have to stew for a few hours for it to be strong enough to fully cure him. She had no choice but to bring him to work with her. Since he couldn't bear being more than a few feet away from her, they had no choice but to give him an apron and make him an honorary Honeydukes employee for the day.

Despite being under a powerful love spell, Garreth was a decent worker. He greeted everyone that walked in the door with a cheerful smile. He also knew his candy. He could tell you about almost every product they carried. Maybe instead of building houses, he should work in retail. Candy wasn't the only thing he would tell customers about. Whenever she was checking out a customer, no matter who they were, he would make it a point to tell them that she was his wife. Especially if it was a man.

Whenever she would check out a young man he would narrow his eyes, watching to make sure no one was looking at her a certain way. "That's my wife ya know. She loves me unconditionally. It was her idea to get married. That's how you know she's crazy about me." Most of the men would make a face and nod before Julie would apologize. One man even looked annoyed, probably thinking he was being accused of something he very much wasn't doing. "Cool story guy." He said before handing the bag of treats to his daughter.

"Garreth, you cannot keep telling people I'm your wife out of the blue. Your making the customers uncomfortable." She said, turning to him when they had a lull in business. " are my wife. People should know." He responded, turning his head to the side like her reaction confused him.

Julie groaned, knowing it was pointless to even try to explain it to him. She glanced at the clock, watching as it turned one. Elowyn said she would be by around three with the antidote and that could not come soon enough. She could tell her boss was getting irritated as well. Between missing so much work and now having to bring her husband into work, she was starting to wonder why she hadn't been fired yet. She was walking on thin ice.

She took a small stool from the break room and sat it down behind the counter. "Ok, just sit here and be quiet until your mother gets here. You're going to feel really silly when your back to normal and realize all the cheesy things you have been saying." He did as he was told and sat down, staring at the back of her ponytail while she checked out a group of young Ravenclaw girls.

As the group was leaving, in walked Gabe, blushing as he moved to the side. He held the door open for the girls, none of the acknowledging his presence or even saying thank you. "Hey Gabe." Julie greeted him, leaning over the counter.

"Where is he?" Gabe asked before Garreth leaned over on the stool waving at his younger brother. "So, you heard what happened?" Julie asked, crossing her arms letting out a deep stress sigh.

"Yea mom owled me and told me he would be with you today. Is there anything I can do to help?" The two talked about Garreth as if he wasn't there. "No, it's ok. She should be by with the antidote soon. I'm glad because my boss has been giving me the stink eye all morning." The two glanced over at her boss who was sweeping near the back of the store. They couldn't tell if the man's face was red with rosacea or irritation. You would think that a man who owned a candy store would have a more cheerful disposition.

"By the way Gabe, I really love your book. Its words make my heart sing." Garreth spoke in a dreamy tone. Gabe stared at his brother for what seemed like a long time, his face getting as red as a cherry tomato before turning to Julie. "Et tu Brute?" He spoke, insinuating that she betrayed him by letting his bully of a brother read his romantic novel.

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicWhere stories live. Discover now