Booger Beans CH 24

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Julie and Garreth stood on the steps of the Ministry of magic, both in a daze after what they had just done. They had left after lunchtime. Garreth saying he was going to Gringotts to open up a bank account and Julie saying she was going meet her sister for tea. Garreth still did not have said bank account, and Julie didn't even have a sister. Instead, they left to get married in secrecy. Now the deed was done and they just stood there staring at each other, two stupid grins on both of their faces.

"So?" Garreth said, holding the marriage certificate.

"So..." Julie repeated, looking down at the paper in his hand.

"How are you feeling?" He said, a little giggle escaping him, trying to contain his excitement.

"I a Weasley. I feel...ten times more mischievous." She giggled along with him. He took her in his arms, planting a large wet kiss on her before screaming out in the crowd of busy wizards who were coming and going. "Hey! I just got married! This is my wife! You hear that?! My wife!"

"Good for you buddy." An older wizard replied, looking annoyed at the commotion.

It was the easiest thing they have ever done in their lives. For some reason they felt it would be much more complicated than it was. They walked into the front desk, asking where the officiant for marriage licenses was. They were led to a rather small office, where a very tired and worn-down wizard was typing away.

The man glanced up at the two, his bowler hat askew on his balding head. "We want to get married. Like now, if we can." Garreth stated, straightening the jacket to the suit he had borrowed from his father that very morning. It was a rich brown color, reminding Julie of the color of a chocolate frog, her favorite.

The man asked for both of their names and identification cards. "Two purebloods. Of age. Sounds good to me." The man spoke, mostly to himself. He then stamped the marriage certificate. "Go ahead and sign. I also need ten galleons." The two signed on the dotted line before Garreth picked out the man's payment.

"So...that's it? Julie asked nervously.

"That's it." The man leaned back in his chair, twirling the end of his waxed mustache.

"We are married?" Garreth asked.

"I mean...yea...that's what you came here for right?" The guy looked at Garreth like he was an idiot.

Garreth didn't catch onto the man's expression. Instead, he turned to Julie, grabbing ahold of her shoulders and shaking her excitedly. "We are married!"
Julie laughed out of pure joy, flinging her head back. The officiant looked more annoyed now. He had probably been working this job for a very long time, seeing more divorces than happy long-time marriages.

"If we are done here than..." He motioned over towards the door.

"Oh yea, Good day sir! Thank you!" Garreth grabbed the certificate and held the door open for Julie. "After you Mrs. Weasley."

"Oh, why thank you dear husband." She said, giggling again. She had never felt this way in her life. If she had met herself a year ago, past Julie wouldn't be able to recognize herself. She had felt so carefree and jubilant. It was nothing special, not in the least, but she could still call this the happiest day of her life.

Now reality was setting in on those steps to the ministry. They would have to go home and explain themselves. They needed to plan on the best way to tell the family. They made their way down the steps, bouncing ideas off each other.

"We could just not tell them. Keep it a secret for a year or two." Garreth said. Julie shook her head at that idea. Knowing how small the wizarding world was, the gossip was sure to make it's way to the Weasley house in no time. Her family would soon hear of the news as well, that was a fact she loathed. "No, with the number of nosy friends your mother has, she will know by the end of the week." She concluded.

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt