Deep Thinking CH 23

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Geddy Weasley stood out on the front lawn of the Weasley house, carrying the one heavy trunk he had brought with him for the summer. He had already said goodbye to most of his family, his mother in tears and his father giving him that look as if to say 'you better come back.' He felt like the bad guy. He felt like a shit head. He was a shit head. It wasn't like he didn't like seeing his family. In fact, he loved his family. He just felt so free in Italy. In Italy he wasn't just another Weasley boy, he was just Geddy. It also didn't help that there was a plethora of beautiful Italian witches who just so happened to adore ginger hair.

The only person he had left to say goodbye to was Garreth. He had given him hell when he first got back, but as the summer went on, it seemed they had learned to be around each other in harmony. Garreth wasn't just his goofy little brother anymore, he was a man, and he had to treat him that way.

The second youngest Weasley shut the front door to his small house and walked over to the other side of the property. An odd expression was on his face. Was it anger? No. Was it joy? No. It was a look of sadness. Garreth had told himself time and time again that his older brother could go back to Italy and stay there. Now he was leaving, he didn't mean a word of it.

He stopped in front of his older brother as an awkward silence fell between them. He didn't know whether to hug him or shake his hand or what to say. Finally, Geddy broke the silence. "You know I'm proud of you right?"

Garreth turned his head to the side, processing those words. Was he imagining things? The Geddy he knew would never say anything like that. "What?" He asked in a perplexing manner.

"You take care of the family the way an older brother should. You have a pretty girlfriend who loves you dearly. I know you will succeed in your building ventures. I'm proud of you. You're not the lazy oaf I thought you would be." A kind smile was on his face as he said his heartfelt words to his younger brother. Garreth stared at him for a moment before responding. "Thank you, Geddy that means a lot."

Before he could react, his brother pulled him into a tight hug. Garreth wrapped his arms around him, realizing this is the first hug that had shared since they were little kids. They finally understood each other. Maybe now they were older, they could be friends.

Geddy then took out his wand, preparing to apparate. Before he could leave Garreth had one more thing to say to him. "Hey, come back for Christmas. It makes mom happy." Geddy nodded to him, already telling himself that he would this year. He was going to be a better son and brother. He owed that to his family. With that he left, leaving Garreth alone on the lawn.

Garreth made his way back to his house to tell Julie his brother had left. She wasn't going to believe him when he told her Geddy said he was proud of him. He made his way to their small bathroom where she was taking a long soak in the tub. He knocked first before entering so he wouldn't startle her. She had her long hair stacked on the top of her head into a high bun and the water she was laying in was so hot, he could see the steam rise off her skin.

"Well, Geddy left just now." He said as he sat down on a small stool next to the tub. Julie rolled a soapy washcloth across her arms. "Oh? Did you say goodbye?" She asked.

"Yea, and get this, he said he was proud of me." He said, looking into her face to see the expected shock. Instead of shock however, her face was calm. This wasn't the reaction he thought he would get from her. "As he should." She said in a matter-of-fact way.

Garreth scratched his head. Did she not know how much of a big deal that was? Surely she knew how much the brothers had a problem with each other for years. "Yea, and Gabe, Grey and Gavin are going back to school in a couple of days. It will be quiet around here for a while. I can't help but feel a little sad."

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα