Momma's Boy CH 25

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Platform 9 ¾ was bustling, with large crowds of young wizards and their families running around, trying to get things situated for the new school year. Garreth went with his family to see his younger brothers off. This would be Gavin's first year, and he could tell that he was nervous. Everyone was nervous on their first day at Hogwarts. He remembered being almost petrified when the sorting hat was placed on his head.

In hindsight, he wasn't sure why.  Garreth knew he would probably be in Gryffindor like Geddy and his parents were. Maybe it was just the over-stimulation of it all. Hogwarts was a big place, full of possibilities. He felt like he was beginning a journey. It felt odd being back there again knowing that he wasn't going back to school.

"Hey relax abit. You will do fine. You will have Grey to watch over you." He said, smiling down at Gavin while holding his small owl cage in his hands.

"What makes you think he will be in Gryffindor?" Gabe retorted. Gabe went in thinking he would automatically be sorted into Gryffindor as well. It was sort of a Weasley tradition after all. When the sorting hat was placed on his head however, it seemed like the hat was at a standstill.

"A Weasley with wisdom and wit? Well-adjusted, Well-mannered, Well-aware. Now where exactly would you fit?  Gryffindor would be nice, but Ravenclaw is what this Weasley welcomes. RAVENCLAW!"

Those words made something deep inside his soul thunder. Gabe had always been the middle child. Overlooked and underappreciated. This is what set him apart. What made him different. He was proud to be a Ravenclaw. He would always be grateful to the sorting hat.

"OK, OK. If you are in Gryffindor, Grey will watch over you. If you end up in Ravenclaw, I guess it will be Gabe." Garreth said, setting the bird cage on the large cart they had once used for luggage at the world cup.

"What if I am in Slytherin? Or Hufflepuff?" Gavin asked.

"Well, I highly doubt Slytherin. Anything's possible though, I guess. There's nothing bad with Slytherin. Julie was a Slytherin ya know."  He reminded the group.

"I wish Julie was here. Too bad she had to work." Gavin said, the other two boys nodded in agreement, now feeling a love for their new sister after a spending a summer with her.

Julie really did want to come and see the boys off, but she had already taken off too much work for the world cup and for their wedding day. Garreth said he was going to talk to his mother alone, which made this the perfect time. Elowyn Weasley had been ignoring the two for a couple of days now. The dinner table had been silent, with no one wanting to mention the marriage in fear of angering her further.

Garreth had a bright idea as his brothers loaded up their things onto the train. "Hey Gabe, go inside and grab a pumpkin pasty from the trolley witch for me, would you?" He said, handing him some money. Gabe narrowed his eyes. "You don't even like pumpkin pasties."

Garreth sighed. "It's not for me moon mind, it's for mum. I'm going to try to butter her up a bit before having a talk with her about Julie and me."

Gabe nodded in understanding, entering the train for a minute only to come out with a pastel wrapped pumpkin pasty, their mother's favorite. He handed his brother the treat. "She will get over it. She knows how impulsive you can be."

Garreth rolled his eyes. He wasn't the impulsive one in the relationship. For once in his life, he found someone that could more impulsive than he was, and he just so happened to marry her. He was being a good boy and being patient. The truth was, if Julie had asked him to get married the day he graduated, he would have done it in a heartbeat.

He said goodbye to his brothers, a small pain in his heart was present. It wasn't like he wanted to go back to Hogwarts, but he didn't like seeing his brothers go. Maybe that's how his mother felt every time she saw them off. It was an odd feeling, understanding his mother's emotions. He guessed that's what growing up meant.  He waved one last goodbye, seeing a nervous Gavin poke his head through the window, casting a small wave himself.

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicWhere stories live. Discover now