G.W CH 31

77 8 1

Julie went back home with Elowyn, determined to give Garreth space. They had been joined at the hip for the last three days, maybe she needed some space too? That would be true if he didn't run off like he did. Now all she could do was worry about him. The afternoon turned into evening and when dinner rolled around, Garreth was no where to be seen. She went home and took a bath and read a little, trying to get mind off him. After a couple hours he was still not home. Would he even come home tonight?

Julie laid in bed, wide awake. She knew she would have to get some sleep. If he really didn't come home tonight, she would wake up early and go searching for him. Did he find himself in trouble? Was he angry at her for giving him the wrong potion? What if he was laying in a ditch somewhere and got robbed? He did carry all his money with him. Why in the hell has not gotten that damn bank account?! All these thoughts were too much for her. She decided to take a sleeping draught to calm her nerves and force her to get at least a little bit of sleep.

She walked over to potion cabinet, lifting her candle so she could see the labels clearly. She was very careful to make sure she was taking the right thing. After this debacle she wasn't taking any chances. She grabbed a light blue bottle, shining the light on it. 'Sleeping Draught G.W' was written on it in that terrible handwriting he had. She stared at the G.W for what seemed like a very long time. Her heart ached for him. If there was one person in the world who truly mattered to her, it was her husband.

She sat her candle down and popped the cork, taking a sip at first. Yes, this truly was a sleeping draught, nothing more. She downed the rest of the bottle, climbing into bed. She blew out her candle and laid her head on the pillow, waiting for the effects to kick in. Everything Garreth made was strong, it would take no time at all, she was sure of that. He really was brilliant, she thought as she stared at the door to their bedroom. No one else could make a love potion like that. Not even Parry Pippins himself.

She felt her eyes get heavy as she fought the sleep. The more she fought it, the more delirious she would become. Banshee, their pet Kneazle jumped on the bed, curling his much larger body on her legs before going to sleep. Finally, a large yawn escaped her mouth as she closed her eyes, drifting off herself. She was having the loveliest dream. It was Christmas time, and the family was packed in the living room, just as they had been last year. Garreth had caught her under the mistletoe, leaning over to give her a long, honey sweet kiss before wrapping a cashmere scarf around her neck. His smile was genuine, not like the smiles he had given her while under amortentia. This was a happy Garreth, who was truly in love.

She heard a door slam, but when she looked at the front door of the Weasley house, no one was there. She ignored it and turned back to Garreth, his glimmering green eyes were prettier than any shining ornament. She stared at them for what seemed like a long time, drinking in this moment for as long as she could. There was no wonder why she was dreaming about Christmas. Last Christmas was the moment she truly fell for him. It was when he showed who he really was. It was also when she fell in love with his family, chaos and all.

Her dream was disturbed by a loud, familiar sound. The ear deafening sound of her pet, meowing. It echoed in the room, alerting her that something had happened. She sat up and bed, looking around. Garreth had not come and crawled into bed with her like she expected he would and Banshee was no longer snuggled up to her, keeping her legs warm. Another loud meow was heard, only now it was on the floor. She covered her ears before leaning over the bed, finding Garreth laid face down on the floor, moaning.

Banshee was on top of him, perched on his back and licking his hair, as if he thought Garreth was his baby and he was in desperate need of a bath. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, still feeling very drowsy from that potion she took. She had to make sure this wasn't a dream. She smacked her face a few times, feeling the sting on her cheeks. This was reality for sure, and she was happy Garreth was home. Why was he laying face down on the floor though?

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum