Kissed by Fire CH 16

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The morning quickly turned to afternoon and the sun was high in the sky, blazing down on the older Weasley boys and their father. All of them except for Gabe that is, who was now sitting on the porch, drinking an ice-cold lemonade with Julie. They both sat in rocking chairs overlooking the construction of her new house. Julie was amazed, they had only been working for four hours and the foundation was down. The three of them were now working on the framework, sweat dripping down their faces and their wands held up high.

"So, why aren't you helping them again?" Julie asked, taking a sip of their lemonade. Surely Gabe would know the spells to help with the house, being the studious Ravenclaw he was. Julie had noticed something as her time at the Weasley house grew. Gabe was coddled. It seemed that Garreth bore the responsibility of being the older brother while Gabe was free to read and write and do whatever he pleased.

"I don't fare well in the sun. If I get too hot, I will faint." He replied, sitting his lemonade down on the small coffee table and pulling his long hair up in a ponytail, away from his face. Julie only rolled her eyes, looking back over to Garreth. His red hair stuck to his face, the sweat making it appear more curly than normal. She had picked the most formidable Weasley boy for sure.

Lunchtime had rolled around, and they had finally decided to take a break. Garreth made his way up to the porch, running his hair through his bangs. "I wish I could do that." He pointed at Gabe's ponytail. "How would you like it if I grew my hair out like Gabe?" He asked Julie. She wasn't sure if he was serious or jesting.

"I wouldn't mind it. I think it would look good." She replied, looking at Gabe's pristine, clean hair.

Gabe rose his nose to that comment, happy Julie said she liked his hair. "Ginger hair looks good in any style. They say we were kissed by fire; you know." He spoke in a romantic tone.

Julie chuckled at his comment. What a very Gryffindor thing to say. Maybe Gabe wasn't as different than his family as he believed. Garreth's laugh was much heartier. "The only thing that kissed you was a wet blanket." He shook his head, letting droplets of sweat land on his younger brother."

"Stop that you prat!" Gabe yelled, lifting his hand to shield himself. Their brotherly squabbling was interrupted by a loud crack as if someone apparated close by. Everyone turned to the sound, finding a burly, red-haired man with a full beard standing on the front lawn. Geddy Weasley. The two youngest boys' ran out the front door, followed by their mother. "Geddy! You're home!" They exclaimed, running into his arms.

Geddy hugged his mother tight. Tears were welling up in Elowyn's eyes. "Why are you here? You haven't owled in weeks!" She exclaimed.

"What?! A man can't come to visit his family for a few weeks?" He laughed, lifting his youngest brothers in his arms for a bear hug.

Garreth's face had deadpanned. His arms were crossed in a defensive stance. "Not when he's been ignoring them. What? Did your newest girlfriend break up with you? Got bored?"

Geddy's smile fell. Garreth knew exactly why he was here, he could pull the wool over their mother's eyes, but not him. "Don't be a stick in the mud Garreth. I'm here now, aren't I?" He walked closer to the porch, releasing his grip on Geoff and Gage. His gaze turned to Julie; a surprised look fell over him. "This is the girlfriend you have been talking about?! Julie Nott!?"

Julie had known about Geddy; he was two years younger than her. Their paths never crossed at Hogwarts, but she had heard rumors about how he was a womanizer. One time a younger Slytherin girl had came running up in the common room, crying hysterically about how he had broken up with her via owl. The man didn't even have the decency to tell her in person.

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