Counting Sheep CH 11

118 6 2

Early June// Hogwarts 7th year

Garreth laid in his bed wide awake. It was almost four in the morning. He had classes starting at eight and had not gotten a wink of sleep. It was a combination of things. For one, it was unimaginably hot this year. His dormmates had taken turns waking up so they could cast cooling charms throughout the room. He felt bad for younger students who hadn't learned them yet. They must be suffering.

Another reason was that he was in the middle of taking his O.W.L.S. If he was at Julie's house that day, she would be cramming as much information down his throat. If he had free time at school, it was Natty who was doing it. This year had been so eventful. Meeting Julie was one of the best things that had happened to him. That also meant his mom was right, he had put off his studies.

Julie had finally put her foot down a few days ago when he was using the dummy again to stay the night at her house. "This is the last time this year you are going to be doing this." She exclaimed when she met him at her doorstep. "After tonight you are going to stay in school and study! I will not have your mother blaming me if you do poorly." Garreth rolled his eyes. She sounded a lot like his mother. They say you end up falling in love with a person who is a lot like your different-sex parent. He had to admit Julie was a lot like Mrs. Weasley, more than he would have thought.

"What are you going to do for a week then? Won't you be bored without me?" He asked her, trying not to start an argument.

"I don't keep you around for my entertainment Garreth. Although you are quite entertaining." She looked around her small house. She had been adding small stuff here and there, but with Garreth around she didn't exactly have the time to really decorate and make it her own. "I'm going to work on my house. Make it my own. Next time you come over it will look completely different."

It was like they made an unsung agreement. He would do good on his O.W.L.S and she would make her house a home. He had already received an O on Astronomy and Potions. Those were the easy ones he didn't have to study for. Herbology was today and for that one, he was nervous. Aside from what he knew to gather for his potion making, he never much cared for herbology. When it came to taking care of magical plants, he had a black thumb.

The combination of the heat and anxiety made his chest sweat. He took off his pajama top and threw it to the side, turning his pillow over to feel the cool side. He closed his eyes and started counting sheep. One fluffy lamb. Two fluffy lambs. Three fluffy lambs. Julie. Four fluffy lambs. Julie in her nightgown. Five fluffy lambs. Julie's perky nipples.

His counting was interrupted by loud snoring coming from the bed next to him. He couldn't take it anymore. He was hot, horny, and anxious. Not a good combination. He sat up in bed, grabbing his pillow and chunking it at the bed next to him, hitting his dormmate. "Shut up! I'm trying to sleep for Merlin's sake!"

This woke the rest of the dorm. Several groans came from around the room. A few "Garreth what is your problem mate?" also could be heard. He had enough of this school. He had been fed up for months. Just a few more weeks he had been telling himself.

He grabbed his wand from his nightstand and got out of bed. If he couldn't sleep, he might as well take a long shower and prepare for his morning exam. He slammed the door to the dorm, further annoying the everyone in the seventh-year Gryffindor room.

He made his way to the boy's shower room. He had hoped he was the only one who decided to take a four-a.m. shower. Garreth stepped in the room, looking around. Not a soul was present in this place. He could take a shower in peace. A long one.

He turned on the faucet, letting the water heat up while he slipped off his pajama pants and underwear. He lifted his arm, giving his armpit a sniff. After sweating in his bed for hours, he stunk. This shower was needed.

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