The Monster CH 29

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Gillian Weasley cast lumos, moving his wand back and forth between Garreth's eyes, seeing if they would follow. They did indeed follow the light, but his pupils were uncomfortably large. The green of his eyes were barely able to be seen. The four of them sat in the kitchen, his mother and father did several tests to see whether he would respond to different things. So far, Garreth would not eat or drink anything unless Julie asked him too. He wouldn't leave her side either, even going as far to following her into the bathroom when she had to pee. When she told him to wait outside the door, he looked as if he would cry. She had no choice but to let him in. He sat on the edge of the bathtub, staring lovingly at her as she tried to concentrate. This was awkward. Sure, they were married, but she also liked her privacy.

"You say that Garreth was the one who made it?" His father asked her, wondering how strong the potion was. Julie nodded her head. "Yes, I found it in his cabinet. It was only labeled by a date. Two weeks ago, in fact." She explained. The older wizard only scratched his head, perplexed as to why his son would brew a love potion of all things.

"If Garreth made it, it's strong. We will either have to brew an antidote or take him to St. Mungo's." Mrs. Weasley stated, knowing that they couldn't just wait it off. If they did that it might take days, or even weeks.

Garreth was ignoring the conversation entirely, taking Julie's hand into his own and massaging her palm before bringing it to his lips. He kissed her hand several times before speaking. "Your hands are soft and gentle. You remind me of a delicate flower, blooming in the springtime. I will be the sun my love, giving you nourishment so you will always bloom." He said dreamily.

Julie dropped her shoulders, looking at her in-laws desperately. "How long will it take to brew an antidote?" Elowyn quickly went into her room, coming back with a large tomb that looked like it hadn't been touched in years. She wiped dust off the front of the binding before thumbing through the pages. After a minute of searching, she found the page she was looking for. She skimmed her finger along the page before stopping to read a sentence. She gave a soft sigh before looking up at her daughter in law. "Three days."

"Three days?! But I must work in two! I can't bring him to work with me. I will surely get fired." She said, stressed to the max. She had already missed so much work, her boss was going to furious with her when she owled him saying she needed off for a 'family emergency.'

"It's either that or we find a way to get him to St. Mungo's without losing his mind being apart from you. Garreth is a strong boy, I don't want to see him punching a doctor just because they made you wait outside." She said lifting an eyebrow at the thought.

Julie knew she was right. She could tough it out for a few days. Sure, he was being annoying, but he was still Garreth deep down, right? She turned to him, watching him as he curled a strand of her hair around his finger. "When we have children, I hope they have your hair. Black as a night sky with no moonlight. Mystical and mysterious." He mused as he sucked a wad of thick mucus that was dripping down back up his nose.

Julie took a deep breath, slowly exhaling out of her nose before coming to a decision. "Ok, I'll watch over him while you make an antidote. However, can we please give him a real pepperup potion. I don't know what grosses me out more. His silly language or that vast amounts of snot he is excreting."

The only good thing to come out of this was that Garreth didn't even realize he had a cold anymore. He went from moaning and groaning to walking around like everything was fine. It seemed like lovesickness was much more powerful than a regular sickness.

Later that night///

"Please, I only want to taste your skin." Garreth begged, wrapping his arms around Julie tightly. His lips ghosted her neck, his tongue dragging along the nape. This felt so wrong. Sure he wanted it, but she couldn't let him have her in this state. He wasn't himself and wasn't in his right mind. The pepperup potion his mother gave him earlier had lowered his fever and cleared his nostrils so at least he wasn't a sick mess anymore. It still didn't feel right. "Garreth, let it go. Go to sleep. I can't have sex with you when your like this." She pushed his arm away from him.

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora