Speak Your Mind CH 6

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Christmas Morning// 4 AM

Garreth stood over his younger brother, a concentrated look on his face and potion bottle in hand. He had tried to sleep, but whenever he would be on the edge of dreamland we would think about how he was going to see Julie the next day and be wide awake. He decided to use that time to make a potion he hadn't made in a very long time. His first attempt had been successful, but only lasted a few minutes. Now he was a more skilled potioneer he was confident he had perfected it.

Gabe was the perfect test subject. He was quiet and only really spoke when spoken too. Or if he was with his small group of nerds at Hogwarts, talking about gothic novels and how Quidditch was a waste of time. Mary Shelly's Frankenstein was sitting on his chest. The boy had probably read until his eyes couldn't follow the words anymore and passed out before even closing the book.

Garreth made his move ghosting his hands above his brother's face before pinching his nose between his thumb and pointer finger. Gabe's mouth opened wide gasping for air, but instead got a whole bottle of babbling potion down his throat.

Gabe choked down the sweet elixir, coughing and wheezing as he sat up in bed. "Garreth, you prat what did you just give me!?"

Garreth smiled, waiting to see when the beverage would kick in. This was different than veritaserum. Instead of having to tell the truth when someone asks you, you speak whatever pops into your head. It was a lower-level potion, but Garreth thought it was much better.

"Oh, I can't stand you! No wonder mother says she prefers me over you!" Gabe covered his mouth with his hand, realizing what he just ingested. "A Babbling Beverage Garreth?! Those last for hours!"

Garreth tried to hold it in, not wanting to wake everyone in the house up, but he was now choking on his own laughter. "I know."

Christmas morning// 7 AM

Gabe and Garreth stood in their living room. Watching their younger siblings tear apart their presents like feral animals. Screams of excitement and ooo's and ahh's could be heard throughout the entire house. Their mother was sitting on the couch with a cup of hot coffee in her hand, trying to keep up with everything her children were showing her.

It was utterly chaotic.

"Do you think god doesn't come down from heaven because he too fears what he created?" Gabe sputtered.

Garreth looked down at his younger brother, his face scrunched up in confusion. "Wait I thought you didn't believe in god?"

"I don't but if there was one, he is punishing me for my misdeeds and impure thoughts. Sometimes I think of large women in lagoons covered in seaweed. They usually steal me away from this hell-hole in order to make me their breeding slave."

Garreth was regretting giving his brother that potion. His inner thoughts were something he really didn't want to know. It seems he underestimated how strange his brother was.

Their father came from the master bedroom, wearing an old, tattered tweed suit he no doubt slept in. A loud yawn came from his mouth. "There is no sleep to be had in this house. Ever." He said while rubbing the back of his head. Gillian Weasley looked exactly like his sons in every way. His hair was cut short except for the top of his head where a small bush of red curls sat. His eyes were a bright green, now covered in a sleepy glaze.

"You chose to have this many children. It's all your fault. You could have stopped with me and would be plenty happy. Although you should have skipped Garreth. Or at the very least not given him that junior potioneer set for his birthday second year." Gabe sputtered.

Mr. Weasley looked at Garreth, an odd expression on his face. "Why is he so chatty?"

"I gave him a babbling beverage." Garreth scrunched his shoulders, acting like that would be a normal thing to do to your younger brother.

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant