World Cup pt 2 CH 19

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The first match of the world cup was very eventful, or started out that way. It was France against Japan, and the stands were packed. When France made their entrance, a strong perfume filled the air. Beautiful flowers of all kinds fell from the sky. Young girls were climbing on top of each other just to grab one, almost acting like wild animals. Garreth stood up in the stand and jumped as high as he could to grab a red carnation. Being tall did indeed have its advantages. He sat back down and handed the flower to Julie. "A flower for the lady."

Julie smiled as took it, bringing it to her nose. "Why thank you sweet prince." Garreth laughed at that comment. Him a prince? Maybe prince of the mentally insane. He looked around at his family. They were all sitting in the stand below them, losing their ever-loving minds. His father was screaming so hard he thought the vein on the side of his head would pop out.

Then it was time for Japan to make their entrance. Smoke filled the stands. It was so dense you could barely see anything in front of you. When it finally cleared, images of several yokai had taken form in the smoke, flying across the stands and scaring young English children. The two youngest of the Weasley boys were not scared in the least bit. Their eyes widened at seeing magical beings they had never seen before.

Finally, the match had begun. Watching a Hogwarts match was intense enough for Julie, especially when she was worried that Garreth would fall again. This however was on a completely different level. People were getting hurt left and right. Instead of calling for a time out, they would just get right back up and play again. No safety rules. These players weren't children.

After four hours of playing, the teams started to get tired. Hogwarts matches only lasted two at most. "How long is this going to go on? We have been here forever." She turned to Garreth who was still concentrating on the game. "It can go on for days if no one wins. This is professional Quidditch, there is no time limit." He explained.

Days? Days?! There was no way she was going to sit in the stand for days. This was only the first match. What if the other ones were this long? The Weasleys sat for another hour. And another. Finally, Mrs. Weasley had to return to the tent to tuck the youngest into bed. Another hour passed and the stands started to clear out. Julie was starting to get drowsy herself. She leaned her head on Garreth's shoulder, just to rest her eyes for a minute.

She was woken up by a firm shake on her shoulder. Garreth was looking into her face with his green eyes, a sleepiness in them. Had he dozed off too? "Come on Julie, lets go."

She blinked her eyes a few times before realizing she was still in the stands. "What? Who won?" She asked. Garreth shook his head. "No one yet. They are still playing. I think we should call it a night." She looked back on the pitch, seeing two exhausted teams about to kill over. "This isn't normal, is it?" She asked as they made their way down the stands. "No, not in the least. Soon they will call for substitutions so the players can sleep."

It was close to ten at night. There was no way those poor players had been playing for eight hours at this time. Wizards didn't mess around. Quidditch really was the real deal. The couple made their way across the grounds, walking past several vendors. When they passed a fire whiskey stand Garreth's face had lit up. Fire whiskey always reminded her of the night they first met. He had given her one of his stolen glasses before she seduced him. Whenever that memory popped in her mind, she couldn't help but feel her body grow hot.

"You want one? Dad gave me some money for butterbeer, but this will pack more of a punch." He pulled a couple of galleons out of his pocket, showing her the money in his palm. "You mean you're not going to steal it?" A grin formed on her face, teasing him. "I wouldn't care if I got kicked out of a Halloween party, but I'm not getting kicked out of the World Cup. I don't mind paying, just this once." He bent down, stealing a kiss from her before walking up to the stand.

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicWhere stories live. Discover now