Wild Hair CH 15

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"Here, these might fit you." Garreth handed Julie an old button up and worn-out pajama pants he had dug out of the drawer. They stood in the attic as the sun set through the window. Julie was glad to be given clothes that weren't soaked through, but pants?

"Wouldn't it be inappropriate to walk throughout your parent's home in pants?" She asked.

"Oh, they won't care. We all know women have legs. It's no big mystery." He said, trying to make her feel more comfortable.

"Says the man who gets turned on by an ankle." She rolled her eyes, looking at the picture of the woman with the sultry look on her face and one dainty ankle.

"I'm right here guys. Or did you forget?" Grey sat at his desk, trying to ignore the two. He looked up and made a face. "Those are my pajamas."

"Well, she can't wear mine!" Garreth laughed. "They would fall off her."

Gabe blushed at that comment. He really didn't mind Julie wearing his clothes, but he didn't want anyone to know that. "Fine and I guess I'm sleeping in Grey's room tonight."

Garreth shot a finger gun at his brother. "You always were the smart one."

Julie took her clothes and wondered off into the bathroom down the hall to change. It felt good to be out of wet clothes, but it didn't make her any less uncomfortable about the situation. Mrs. Weasley was upset, not just with her son but probably with her as well. She buttoned up the shirt and slipped on Gabe's pajama pants, already warming up. She slid her dress over the shower rod to dry and left the bathroom.

She walked down the stairs to the kitchen for a glass of water, only to find Mrs. Weasley setting up her cleaning charms again. Since Garreth had disarmed all charms in the house she had to start all over. She didn't say a word as she grabbed a glass and poured her water from the pitcher.

"Pants? You are a bold girl." Mrs. Weasley spoke, turning her head towards her.

Julie blushed. She should have never listened to Garreth. Of course, it was inappropriate. "I'm sorry. It's just my dress was soaked. Ill put it on first thing in the morning."

"Oh, it's not that big of a deal. I actually should be apologizing to you." Elowyn pulled the mop out of the bucket before sitting its head on the floor, waving her wand to make it move again.

"To me? But why?" She asked, genuinely curious. Mrs. Weasley never did anything terrible to her. She was just upset.

"I shouldn't blame you for the way I feel about my children. I know you are good for Garreth, It's just hard to see them leave." She wiped her wet hands on her dress and turned to face Julie.

"Garreth isn't leaving. He loves his family more than anything. He really does care about what you think." Julie reassured her before going on. "In fact, I love your family too. They are so lively and fun. I feel really at home here."

Elowyn smiled at that statement. She had decided in that moment she liked her son's girlfriend. "Well, it's a shame you can't stay here. I highly doubt you and Garreth would want to move into his parent's house. I wouldn't if I was a young woman."

An idea popped into Julie's mind at that moment. Was she really going to suggest what she was thinking? Was this another one of those wild hairs? Last time she trusted one of those she ended up with Garreth. Why not now? "What if it wasn't necessarily in the house?"

Mrs. Weasley looked at her, a confused look on her face. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you have plenty of land. Enough to build a small house on. Garreth and I can live in the house and be just a short walk away. I could apparate to work every day or use Flu Flame." Julie had surprised herself. Why did she offer this on just a whim? The truth was she wanted to belong here. She knew Garreth belonged here. Without him, they would be missing a piece to their puzzle. She had hoped there was room in that puzzle for her.

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