Seven?! CH 3

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"If she is a Nott, then why is she working at Honeydukes? Pureblood girls don't work normal jobs."

Garreth was starting to regret telling Natty about Julie. She was asking all the right questions; he just didn't want to hear them. It's not like he had told her everything. Only that he had a crush on a girl who he had met at Honeydukes, and she was older than him. A lot older than him. The truth was, he couldn't hold it in anymore. He had to tell someone, or he felt like his head would explode. He wasn't a person to keep secrets, even his own.

The two Gryffindors sat at the Three Broomsticks, drinking butterbeers on Natty's tab. The girl didn't mind paying, after all he was telling her the juiciest of gossip. "I know, that makes me wonder too." He replied, taking a sip of his drink. "I have only talked to her a couple of times. I was lucky to get her name."

"You should leave her alone Garreth. She's seven years older than us. She probably doesn't want to be bothered by some kid like you." She laughed, only teasing her friend but he knew that to be already true. Julie had told him herself.

He wouldn't take no for an answer though. She was all he thought about the last week. He had even peaked into the window of Honeydukes before meeting Natty here. The raven haired woman wasn't working behind the counter today, it was probably her day off.

He heard the bell to the front door of the pub ring. His green eyes widened as he watched Julie Nott step in, making her way to the bar area. She was out of her Honeydukes uniform, now wearing a grey velvet dress with her hair falling down her back. It was refreshing to see her in normal clothing. All his fantasies of her had been in a pink and green dress. This ensemble had suited her better. Dark and mysterious.

Garreth ducked into the booth, his unkept hair poking out above the table. Natty shot him a confused look. "What on earth are you doing you goofball?" She looked underneath the table, wondering why he was hiding. He pointed his finger over to the bar, mouthing his words. "That's her. Julie."

Natty went to turn around to get a glance at the girl before Garreth grabbed the bottom of her robes. "Don't be obvious."

She nodded, getting up from her seat, acting like she was going to the girl's lavatory. As she walked to the bathroom, she got a good look at the woman. This was the girl Garreth was head over heels with? Usually, he was fawning over sweet innocent girls with sunshine in their eyes. This woman looked downright scary. Maybe he was going through something? Reading too many gothic novels for sure.

She made her way to the bathroom and washed her hands while she was in there. They were slightly sticky from the residual butterbeer that leaked over her mug. When she walked out, she made sure to take another glance at Ms. Gloom and Doom. The short woman was leaned over the counter, talking to Sirona. The two were laughing as Julie placed a large pouch in Sirona's hand. When the woman smiled, she realized why Garreth had taken a liking to her. She was very pretty indeed.

Natty sat down back into the booth, seeing that Garreth had switched sides so he could get a better look at Julie. He was still crouched down low, like a private investigator stalking his target. "She's very pretty, but a bit menacing isn't she?" Natty spoke in a low voice.

"Yes." He said in a dreamy tone. Oh boy, the man had it bad. "Why don't you go talk to her? She's right there." Natty had never seen her friend like this. Garreth was the most confident man she had ever met. Why was he acting this way?

"Why? So she can reject me again? I think I have exhausted all my options Natty." He sounded defeated.

"Since when do you give up on anything?" She raised her brow, knowing that would do the trick.

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicWhere stories live. Discover now