Two Sickles Ch 2

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It had taken Garreth a few days to get back up to Hogsmeade. Between studies and Quidditch he found himself to be a very busy man. Asking around had proved to be futile. It seemed like no one in his class knew who she was. Whenever people were visiting Honeydukes they weren't really paying attention to the workers. He had replayed Halloween night over and over in his head. Long black hair, freckles dotting her cheeks. Her round pale ass. He would never see a Honeydukes uniform the same way again.

Finally, he was able to get a free afternoon on a Saturday. He tried to look a little more presentable this time. He made it a point not to wear any part of his uniform. Any way for him to avoid looking like a schoolboy. He wore maroon and brown stripped sweater and brown slacks. He had wished he had some better-looking shoes. Besides his Quidditch cleats, the only ones he had were the same brown boots had worn that night.

The November day was cold. Almost bitterly cold. It seemed that winter was finally setting in with Halloween night being the catalyst. He passed by several of his classmates on the way, waving hi and starting to chat, but the only thing on his mind was seeing her again. He could admit it. He had a crush.

The outside of Honeydukes seemed packed. Younger students were standing outside showing their friends what they had bought. He stood in front of the window, glancing in to see if he could spot her. She was behind the counter, a big bright smile on her face as she put a young Ravenclaw's candy in a shopping bag. This expression was much different than the one the other night. It was nice to see her smile. She had a beautiful one.

He waited close to an hour, walking around the square, waiting for everyone to clear out. If he was going to have a real conversation with her, he wanted it to be without anyone else getting in the way. When it got to a lull in business he made his move, walking into the store, hearing a ding on the door as he strode in. He glanced at her, their eyes meeting. Her happy smile instantly left her as she watched him peruse the shelves of candy, stalling no doubt.

He grabbed a few things from the shelf, making his way to the back of the shop, grabbing more things. He walked back up to the counter and sat his lot in front of her. Leaning his forearms on the counter he smiled at her, looking into her blue eyes. "A few mice pops too if you have them. Do you guys have any toffee left?"

She leaned her forearms on the counter as well, her eyes not leaving him. "And do you have any money to pay for all of this?"

Garreth's smile widened. He had been caught. "No."

She stood up straight again, her arms folding over her chest. "If you have no intention of buying anything you better leave."

His hand dug in his pocket, seeing if he had anything left from the bet he won from Duncan Hobhouse.  The two had bet that if Duncan asked Imelda Reyes to the Halloween party while using a beautification charm, she would say yes. The poor boy was sorely mistaken and was harshly rejected, putting a few Galleons in Garreth's hands.

He pulled out two sickles and a piece of lint from his pocket. Garreth made a face and looked back up at the witch. "Ill give you two whole sickles if you tell me your name." He held his hand out to her, waving his palm around as if to tempt her with the poor amount of money.

The woman rolled her eyes, her arms still folded. "No. Now If you don't mind, there are PAYING customers behind you."

Garreth looked behind him, a line was forming again in the store. "What time do you get off? I'll wait for you." He asked, putting the coins back into his pocket.

She sighed, looking more annoyed. He only kept the goofy grin on his face. "I'm not leaving until you tell me."

She groaned, seeing her boss on the other side of the store staring at her as if to say, "What's the hold up?"

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicWhere stories live. Discover now