Prince Charming CH 22

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AN: I originally wanted this chapter to be called 'Raise your hand if you have ever been personally victimized by Marques Mata." But that would be too long. Also, I just want to say I find it incredibly easy to write Garreth. His personality is very similar to my fiancés.  A little bit of a shit head, but very kind and understanding. Gabe's personality is actually based off mine. I had originally wanted to put him in Slytherin like me, but came to the conclusion he would be better suited in Ravenclaw. 

Julie wiggled her toes, poking them out of the sand in which her feet were buried in. She had a popsicle in one hand and her parasol in another as she looked on at the two older Weasley boys playing in the water. Garreth was splashing Gabe who had his swim goggles around his eyes even though he had not once submerged himself in the water. "How are you going to meet the love of your life if you don't actually swim?!" He asked, taunting him about the plot of the book he was writing.

"Say what you will, but women love romances. They love it when the two love interests can never truly be together. Once they read my book, I will have women writing to me every day." He splashed his brother back, a confident smile on his face.

Julie laughed at this statement. Gabe was right in that aspect. Women liked that in fantasy. However, being in a relationship was much more satisfying when two people could truly have each other. She thought about what Garreth had said earlier when they first arrived at the beach. She only replied to him with a nod, not exactly knowing what to say.

Was he thinking about asking her to marry him? No, probably not anytime soon. He did say someday after all. He had brought it up once before in a joking manner when they were in the Three Broomsticks. It felt like more of a joke then anyway. Now when he brought it up, it seemed more serious. Maybe that was because they were more serious.

They woke up to each other every morning. Had afternoon tea and dinner with his family. Took trips together and went on late night broom rides. This whole summer she had felt like she was in a fantasy novel herself. It was a dream she didn't want to wake up from. If she married him, she wouldn't have to wake up. She could truly be a Weasley and live the chaotic country life she had grown to love.

She had decided right then that when he asked her, she would say yes. She wouldn't just say yes to him, she would say yes to the life she always wanted.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Garreth's long legs running up to her, crashing down on the mound of sand next to her. Sand went everywhere, including on her red cherry flavored popsicle. It was almost gone, but she did want to finish it. "Look at what you did?!" She showed him her sand covered treat, her stained lips puckered in annoyance.

"Oh, it's only sand! Give it here." He took the popsicle from her and put the whole thing in his mouth, pulling the stick out and handing it to her. He made a face as he chewed. "Ok, it is a little gritty." Julie couldn't help but laugh at him. It seemed like being in the water made him extra playful. He was like a dog who was finally let off his leash and he could run wild.

The sun began to set, and the waves turned a lighter blue in the light. It was a beautiful sight. They were the only ones on the beach now. Gabe stood in the tide, his body relaxed as he stared off into the sunset. His hair was wild and blew every which way until settling on his shoulders. "What do you think he's thinking about? A love he can never have?" Garreth asked, a small giggle escaping from him.

"Tease all you want. Gabe's a hopeless romantic. He was right earlier. Girls love that kind of stuff." Julie would defend Gabe to the ends of the Earth. She felt like they understood each other. When Julie was younger, she was that way. Part of the reason she didn't have many friends in school was because she always had her head in a novel, pretending like she was one of those brave and lovely heroines in those books.

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