A Dark Witch CH 27

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Garreth and Julie were sitting on the front porch of the main house, enjoying a morning coffee. Elowyn Weasley was using this morning to bring out all the family's winter clothes. Every few minutes she would come over with a sweater or winter coat and bring it up to Garreth. "Will this still fit you?" She would ask. "What about this? This was Geddy's old one." He was done growing about a year ago, officially stopping at around six foot three, but that didn't mean she wouldn't be able to use his old clothes for Grey or Gavin in the future.

"Mum, I was thinking of buying a new winter coat this year. Like from an actual shop." He stated, taking a sip from his coffee. "Oh, that would be a waste of money. Why buy a new one when you have this one. Just needs a little tender love and care." She said, holding up the coat. Garreth looked at it. It was not bad looking but did have several small holes in it that needed mending. The wool was also worn down and wouldn't be as warm.

She went back inside to go through the storage closet once more. "I'm just going to buy a new one and give that one to Grey when he get's home for Christmas holiday." He spoke to Julie.

It wasn't cold yet, not in the least, but soon it would be. He remembered the chill he felt last year at the Halloween party. Once October rolled around, he would need a few sweaters and a coat. A few minutes rolled by, and it was time for Garreth to start his day at work. The O'Doul family in the next hamlet over had just welcomed twins and needed to add an extra room.

"Well, time to pretend I am an adult." He said, giving Julie a kiss before standing up from his seat. He walked down the steps to the front porch before spotting someone come down the dirt road leading to their property. A young man dressed in all black, wearing tall dragon hide boots and dark sunglasses was walking his way to the house, coming from the Flu Flame no doubt.

He had seen this man before. His heart beat a little faster when he realized who this was. Julie's brother, Titus. Garreth stood on the last step, crossing his arms in a defensive stance as he approached. Once Julie saw her brother she rose from her seat, standing behind Garreth on the steps.

She hadn't seen him in a very long time, and his presence made her nervous. Last time she had seen him, he had owled her telling her to meet him at the Three Broomsticks. At least last time she was able to prepare. Now he had come out of the blue, her anxiety was ever present. "Titus, what are you doing here?" She asked, already having a good idea as to the reason.

The man slowly took his sunglasses off, folding them gently before putting them in his pocket. His eyes flashed at the two, the same bright blue as Julie's was. The two looked very similar. Pale skin, pure black silky hair, ocean blue eyes. The only difference was height. Julie was petite, even small for a woman. This man was moderately tall, standing at about five foot ten.

"I've come to bring you home. When father heard of this little stunt you pulled, he was enraged. If you come now, we can get you a quick divorce. Let's just hope someone else will want you after this. A Weasley Jules? Really?" Titus looked up at Garreth for only a second, a look of disgust on his face. The whole time he had been looking at his sister, not paying any mind to whether Garreth was standing there or not. It was like he wasn't even there.

"I am home Titus and I found someone who will want me. My husband. You can tell father I'm not coming back. You can forget I even existed." Julie's face was a cherry red as she spoke. She couldn't remember last time she was so mad. He had the nerve! What did he think she would do? Just say 'ok! Let's go!'?

"I knew you would probably say that." He said in an annoyed tone. He pulled a small piece of paper from his pocket, holding it up for the two to see clearly. It was a Gringotts check made out to the Weasley family for fifteen hundred galleons. That was more than Mr. Weasley made in a year and a half on his salary. "I know a few things about the Weasley family. Your ancestors had squandered your fortune and have left you poor for generations. This would give you a nice new start hmm?" He said, waving the check around as if to toy with Garreth.

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicWhere stories live. Discover now