Prewett the Pig CH 32

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It was almost midday when Garreth woke up, his head pounding and his breath smelling like a Kneazle took a shit in it. He lifted his head off the pillow, running his hand through his bedhead. Julie walked in with a cup of black coffee and questions she needed answered. She would let him wake up first. She could tell in this state, he wouldn't be answering any questions. He took the cup from her, gingerly sipping it until the heaviness in his head wore off. "Where the hell was I last night?" He asked her, remembering he started out in the Three Broomsticks and moving onto another place, blacking out before.

"I have no idea. I was about to ask you the same thing. Do you remember even coming in last night?" She asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. Garreth shook his head, trying his hardest to remember but it was futile. "I hope it ended with me apologizing for being a jealous ass." He said, his eyes growing sad like a scared puppy.

"You apologized and I forgave you. The one question on my mind for three days though was why the hell did you even make a batch of amortentia?" Surely, he wasn't going to use it on her, he wouldn't need too. Did someone hire him to make it? Someone who wanted to keep anonymous. Maybe that was why there was only a date on it? A large devilish grin appeared on his face. "I was going to give it to Gabe as a gag gift for Christmas."

Julie's mouth fell open. "Why give him the real thing as a gag gift? You could give him a fake one and it would still have the same effect." Garreth scratched his head at this comment. He never thought to give a fake potion when he could just brew the real thing. " do have a point. In my defense I did brew an antidote. I was wondering why mum brewed a completely new one when there was one sitting right beside it."

Julie scoffed, tumbling off the bed and headed back to that dreadful cabinet. "An antidote?! Where?!" She threw her hands up, angry at herself that she didn't see it sooner. Garreth climbed out of bed, walking over to her. He picked up a bottle only labeled 'AA1.' "See, Amortentia antidote one. Oh! And here is two!" He said picking up a bottle labeled 'AA2.'

"Garreth, you need to thoroughly label your potions! Most people wouldn't know your abbreviations." She said, dumbfounded. Garreth only shrugged his shoulders. "I thought it wouldn't be a big deal. No one is usually in my cabinet except me. I get it though, I'll re-label them so we don't find ourselves in that predicament again." He said, closing the cabinet and locking it with his wand.

Their morning was interrupted by a violent knocking at their front door. "Garreth Weasley! You come out this instant and change me back! I can't go home like this!" Garreth looked at Julie for a minute, knowing that voice all to well. "Leander?" What would Leander Prewett be at his front door for? They haven't spoken since graduation. "Who is Leander?" Julie asked as she followed him to the front door. "Ah, just a classmate of mine. A real ding-dong but he's a good guy." Garreth explained as he opened the front door.

Leander Prewett was standing on their front steps, red in the face. That wasn't the only thing wrong with his face. He had been transfigured to look like a pig. Flat nose, wide cheeks and all. Garreth let out a huge belly laugh at the sight of him. "Ah Leander! What the hell happened to your face mate?! Who did you piss off this time?" Leander didn't take to kindly being laughed at, pulling out his wand and poking Garreth in the side.

"You! You are the one who did this to me you knumbskull! Now change me back! If my girlfriend sees me like this, she will break up with me!" The man was almost in tears, seemingly desperate to be turned back to normal. Garreth put his hand on the tip of Leanders wand and lowered it. "Whoa there buddy, watch where you're pointing that thing. I don't remember a thing about last night so you're going to have to remind me of what happened."

Leander furled his eyebrows, explaining their night together. "We were drinking in the Hog's Head and you turned me into a pig for laughs, then left without changing me back!" Julie crossed her arms, scoffing at her husband. "You went to that grimy place?! Only hoodlums go there to drink Garreth!"

Leander's mouth fell open at her comment. "You're angry at him for drinking at the Hog's head but not for turning me into a pig?" Leander had heard about Garreth getting married. He thought that his wife would be one of two types of women. She would either be the sensible type that would keep him in line, or just as crazy as he was. Now he was thinking it was more of the latter.

Julie shrugged her shoulders, speaking in a nonchalant way. "Oh no, that sounds like Garreth. Looks like Garreth's work too. You even put a nasty wart on his nose my love." Julie giggled, not really knowing why she was bullying the ginger haired man. He just had an air to him. One that made him an easy target.

"Ok, ok let's be rational here." Garreth began. "One, I would definitely turn you into a pig, but not unprovoked. So, you either did something to royally piss me off, or you were acting like a pig. So, which one was it Leander? Also, the second thing I'm wondering is what girl in her right mind would date you? Fess up Prewett." Leander crossed his arms, turning his body to the side. "I didn't provoke you in the least bit. Also, I was being a total gentleman all night." The tall lanky man was silent for a minute before pointing a finger at Garreth. "And I do to have a girlfriend. And she is pretty and smart and crazy for me."

"Not as a pig she isn't." Julie chuckled. Garreth smiled at her, liking this mischievous side to her. "My girl is right. Either you tell me what exactly happened, or you are going to face this 'girlfriend' of yours with your mug looking like that."

Leander pursed his lips together, as if he was thinking hard about something. There was no use, he would have to just spit it out. "We were having a good time. Catching up and all. Then a couple cute broads came by and asked us to buy them a drink. I told them I would if I could get something in return and popped one on the behind. Then you turned my face into this." He waved his hand over his disfigured face.

Garreth laughed even harder. "Well, that's what you get for disrespecting women! Also, I'm sure your girlfriend would love knowing you spanked a random girl at the bar." He rose his hand, planting a firm smack on Julie's ass. "See, I only spank my wife. I'm what you call a real gentleman."

Julie rubbed her butt, flashing an angry look at him. Garreth only flashed her a toothy grin. Whenever he was around Leander he couldn't help but unleash his devilish side. Even though they fought constantly, Garreth still considered him to be a friend. They were dormmates for seven years after all.

Leander's arms fell to his sides in defeat. "Ok, Garreth. You proved your point. I'm a pig. Now come on turn me back so I can get home."

Julie rose an eyebrow, wondering another thing. "Why don't you just change yourself back? It's an easy spell." She remembered mastering that spell in fourth year. Children were always transfiguring each other into the stupidest things. Leander hung his head in shame. "I'm garbage at transfiguration. I had to cheat on most of my tests and practically beg Professor Weasley to pass me." He spoke in just above a whisper. This was something he wasn't proud of in the least.

Garreth finally pulled out his wand. "Ok, I'll turn you back. I think you learned your lesson." Garreth gave his wand a quick swoosh, turning Leander back to his normal self. Leander touched his face, relieved to have his old nose and cheeks back. Julie couldn't help but wonder if the Weasleys and the Prewetts were related somehow. The looked very similar. Leander looked like he could be part of the Weasley tribe.

"Not going to at least say thank you?" Garreth asked, crossing his arms. Leander took a step back, weary of his former classmate. "Thank you? You turned me into a pig Garreth!"

"Yea, but you deserved it!" Garreth sighed, shaking his head of the absurdity. "At least have a cup of coffee with me you knucklehead." Garreth, opened the front door, motioning towards it.

Leander's mood changed instantly. It was like they hadn't been fighting only a couple of minutes ago. "Coffee? Yes, I think I'll have a cup." He entered their house, Garreth following behind. "You wouldn't have any toast and eggs, would you? I'm starving. Oh! You have a Kneazle! They make good guard cats ya know."

The door closed behind them, leaving Julie on the porch. What the hell just happened? They were bickering like children just a moment ago. Now they were acting like buddies. Men sure had the strangest of friendships. 

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicWhere stories live. Discover now