The Bet CH 17

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"That's a nice new broom you have Garreth! You get a new broom and lumber for a new house?! We all know who the spoiled one is!" Geddy yelled across to his brother, the wind swooshing around them. Sibling rivalry got the best of them once again. The two had been as civil as one could expect given the circumstance, but after a few days, tension brewed again.

It was when Julie had gotten off work for the night. She expected the Weasley family to be safe inside their home, having dinner by candlelight. What she found instead was the family sitting outside for a family picnic. They day was no where close to as hot as it had been, so dinner under the stars seemed pleasant. The family was sitting on a big quilt just outside their almost finished home. The only thing left was the roof, which was expected to be done by tomorrow morning.

"So, your girl has a job, but you don't? Very manly of you little brother." Geddy chuckled. Garreth had been ignoring comments like that for awhile now, but there was only so much he could take. "I just graduated Geddy. I'll start looking once the house is finished." He grumbled, taking a sip of his mother's homemade butterbeer. It wasn't as good as the one served in the Three Broomsticks, but he would never let his mother know that.

He had been a good boy since he punched his brother the first day he came home. Garreth had been complaining for almost a year now that his brother never came home. Now he was eating his words. That prick could go back to Italy and stay there as long as he wanted.

Julie joined the family, sitting on the blanket next to Garreth as she filled her plate with mashed potatoes and ham. "Did you have a good day?" Garreth asked, rubbing her back as she took her first bite of her dinner. The man's freckles had darkened from working out in the sun. Julie could swear a few more had popped up on his neck. "A kid threw up after eating a booger flavored bean. Luckily, I didn't have to clean it up, but it was still gross to say the least."

The family made a collective sour face. Julie realized that was probably not something she should have said while they were eating. Dinner went smoothly after that. Mr. Weasley and his sons discussed the stars and mythology, it was safe to say Garreth had gotten his love for stargazing from his father. The pleasantness was soon broken again once Geddy opened his mouth again.

The man scratched his beard, looking over at Garreth. "I saw a shiny new broom in the storage closet. That wouldn't be yours, would it?" Garreth knew where this was going. He was tired of being a good boy. "Yes, in fact it is. It's fast too." A small came over his lips, waiting for Geddy to take the bait.

"It doesn't matter how fast the broom is. If the flyer isn't very good, it's pointless." Geddy spoke. Mrs. Weasley rolled her eyes. "Most of my boys are good flyers. Don't go doing what I think your about to do." Gabe made a face at the 'most' comment. He knew he wasn't in that demographic.

The two oldest ignored her comment. "You still have your old one, right? I bet I can beat you with that one, even with your fancy new broom." Garreth stood up, dusting his hands off. "Why don't you put your money where your mouth is then. If I win, you owe me five galleons." He put his hands on his hips, staring down at his brother.

Geddy laughed, standing up as well. "Deal. But if I win, you must shave your head!" Horror filled Julie's face. She stood up, grabbing Garreth's forearm. "Garreth no." Garreth ignored his girlfriend and held his hand out. Geddy took it, sealing the agreement. He turned to Julie, flashing her a reassuring look. "Have faith in me babydoll. This isn't going anywhere." He ran his hand through his locks. "We will see about that." Geddy chuckled. The two made their way to the storage shed, both grabbing their brooms. Mrs. Weasley didn't look at all surprised. "Aren't you going to stop them?" Julie asked the older witch. If it was just a friendly competition, Julie wouldn't care. Now Garreth's beautiful hair was on the line, she was frightened.

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz