Chocolate Frog CH 10

116 8 2

Early March// 7th year

Garreth had spent half of his Sunday off looking for Julie. First, he went to her house and knocked for several minutes. When she didn't answer he went around back, shimmying through the window he knew didn't lock all the way. Her house was quiet and there was no sign of her. He did notice that she had invested in a nightstand.

He walked over to it and saw one lonely chocolate frog sitting on it, the card already taken out. Did she collect the cards? He didn't take her to be a collector type. He took the frog out of the package and threw the whole thing in his mouth. "You snooze you lose my dear." He said as he walked out the front door, re-locking it with his wand.

Next, he went to Honeydukes. Maybe she had been owled into work that day? He walked past the shop, not seeing her behind the counter when he peeped in the window. Where could she have been? Julie was a creature of habit. There were only a few places she liked to frequent. Maybe she was having lunch at the Broomstick?

He walked inside the pub, seeing it was very busy this Sunday afternoon. Students and adults alike were crowded around the bar area, waiting for their drinks. Then he saw her, sitting at a small table to the side. Their eyes locked, Julie looking utterly surprised. He waved at her and attempted to walk towards her. She lifted her hands up and shook her head, letting him know not to approach.

Garreth looked confused until a tall handsome man sat in front of her, carrying two large butterbeers. A deep rage filled his belly, creeping up his esophagus. It felt almost like heartburn. Garreth was not the jealous type. For the most part he didn't care what most people did, as long as they weren't hurting anyone. This was a new feeling. An odd feeling. Was Julie cheating on him? Technically they weren't together. Technically she could do whatever she pleased. Technically he could break someone's neck in one swift motion.

He sat at a nearby table, close enough to see them both clearly but couldn't make out what the two were saying. The man she sat with had dark black hair, cut short but quaffed over the top of his head. He wore dark circle lenses that covered his eyes. Was this the vampire Julie had been seeing before they met? Didn't vampires only come out at night? He really needed to brush up on his vampire lore. He didn't know the difference between fact or fiction.

He pretended to look at the menu, knowing full well he didn't have the money for a full meal. Instead, he opted for a small butterbeer. He wasn't even thirsty; he just didn't want to look suspicious. The two talked for a good long while. The stoic face Julie had kept never left her. It was obvious she didn't enjoy talking to this man.

After about an hour the man left, leaving Julie alone at the table. After thirty seconds or so she finally spoke to Garreth. "You can come over now."

He quickly rose from his seat and walked over to her, sitting his butterbeer on the table but kept standing. He crossed his arms, showing a face Julie had never seen before. "And who was that?"

Julie was slightly taken aback by the seriousness on his face. She never seen him without the laid-back air he carried so often. He was jealous. He thought she was on a date. She couldn't help but laugh at him. Garreth furled his brows. "What's so funny?"

"You. Your face. Calm down now that was my older brother Titus." Garreth's face softened. Now that he thought about it, their hair was the same color as was their skin tone. He felt like a fool for jumping to conclusions. Julie had never expressed it with words, but he knew she cared about him. They had grown too close for her to just see someone else out of the blue.

He then sat down where Titus once sat, folding his hands in front of him, showing he was sorry. "What did he want? You two haven't talked in a while, right?"

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicWhere stories live. Discover now