Ripple Effect CH 34 END

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AN: This is the last chapter to Mischievous. I want to thank everyone who took the time to read and hope you guys enjoyed it. Writing Garreth was a blast. This last chapter does tie into my other Ominis fic Truly Gaunt. If you haven't read it and feel lost, you can read Chapter 29 of TAG and get the gist.

Six years later//

Garreth apparated back to his home, a little weirded out. When he got an owl from Ominis Gaunt to help fix what terrible mistake he had made to his house and expand upon it, he was wondering if it was a prank. It certainly wasn't a prank, and this was certainly not the Ominis he knew from school. For one thing, he wasn't a total prick. He also went by the name of Sallow now. He figured it was about his family's recent demise. The fall of the Gaunt family was huge news around the wizarding world. Many pureblood families saw it as a crude reminder that not everything was certain, even if you were at the top of the food chain.

He was glad his family wasn't like other pureblood families. They were kind and respectful no matter what your status was. That was as long as you didn't piss any of them off. He walked up to the porch of his house, now almost identical to the size of his parents. What was once a small humble house now stood on it's own plot, looking more like his parents neighbors than a guest house. He was proud of himself and what he accomplished. He felt sorry for Ominis, having to fork over his whole paycheck for Garreth to fix his mess. He wouldn't know the feeling. After years of perfecting their craft, him and Leander had made a killing. Pretty much monopolizing the house expanding business in the wizarding world. If anyone needed work done, they would owl one of them.

He walked inside the house, greeted by his two rowdy twin boys. "Daddy!" The screamed as they ran up to him, both pushing each other out of the way to get to him first. He grabbed both by their little suspenders and threw them over his shoulders. Giggles echoed throughout the room. The twins were their oldest and the most rambunctious, it was their three year old that was the quiet one. Gabe was sitting on their couch, proofreading his next book. Pages were strewn along the coffee table, all scribbled on and circled for good measure. "I heard you were helping the last of the Gaunt's today. I thought there was only one left." He asked, not looking up from his work.

"He's not a Gaunt anymore. Apparently, he took the Sallow name. It figures. Him and Sebastian were thick as thieves in school. Got almost as many detentions as I did." He sat his boys down on the floor before they both ran into their room, off to start another adventure. Gabe finally lifted his head, his long hair pulled back into a ponytail that hung almost to the middle of his back. "Maybe I should change my name. Something more mysterious." He stated, almost talking to himself.

"You would still have to go by Gabriel Weasley when you sign your books. It's already established. You should have thought about that before you became a big time author." Garreth laughed, knowing he would never think about changing his name. He was proud to be a Weasley. He wouldn't have it any other way.

Julie walked into the room, holding the hand of their three-year-old. The boy was shy and had more of the demeanor of Gabe. It seems that at least one Weasley child every generation was born to be quieter and more relaxed. They started calling them 'the balancer.'

"Evan, tell daddy what you told me earlier. Go on." She said motioning to Garreth. A blush fell on the kids face as Garreth bent down, showing him he was all ears. "House builders are stupid. I want to do books." Garreth's face dead panned, slowly turning his gaze back to Gabe, who was snickering on the couch. "I think I know who put that idea in your little head." He said as he rose again, letting Julie give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh dear, it's just a joke. Although, I don't see Evan ever going into your trade anyway." She said before planting down on her own regal sitting chair. She had something on her mind all day but didn't want to say anything until Garreth was home. Garreth plopped down next to his brother on the couch, pulling Evan on his lap. It was unfortunate for Elowyn Weasley. Garreth was right, they didn't have any girls. Instead of naming one of their children after her, they opted for an 'E' name instead. Evan was the one and only Weasley boy with an 'E' name. It was a decision she was completely fine with.

"I had a vision last night. When I woke up to check on the twins." Julie announced. Usually, Julie's visions were small. Like when something was lost or that one time she predicted who would win the semi-finals to the World cup. It was never really a big deal, or she didn't make it out to be so. That was unless she was pregnant. With every pregnancy she had, she would have a vision. She would be holding the baby in her arms after giving birth, a feeling of content washing over her.

Garreth looked at her with wide eyes, swallowing hard before responding. "Don't tell me you're pregnant again." It had been five years since the twins were born and they said two was plenty. That was until Evan came along. They had made the final decision to stop. After all, Julie had stated when they first started dating, she wasn't having seven children. They were going to be done long before that.

Julie laughed, shaking her head. "Merlin's beard no! This one was very odd. One unlike any other I have ever had." She said, crossing legs and staring intently at the two men on the couch. The two were intrigued, clinging onto her words. "Go on." Gabe said, putting his pen down.

"Well, it was set in the future. The far future from what I can gather. Get this. One of our grandchildren was marrying a Prewett girl. The vison must have lasted at least five minutes. The boys said I was staring into space and mumbling to myself."

Garreth looked intently into his wife's eyes, trying to figure out if she was pulling his leg. She could be very mischievous, but by the look on her face, he could tell she was dead serious. A loud laugh escaped from him. He laughed so hard, a tear had rolled down his cheek. "So, what your saying is one of our grandchildren is gonna marry one of Leander's grandchildren?!"

Julie crossed her arms, not finding this very funny at all.

"Garreth, when has Julie's visions ever been wrong? It seems your friendship with Leander had caused a ripple effect." He said putting his chin in his hand. "This would be a great plot for a book." He said, speaking to himself again.

Garreth's giddiness faded. Gabe was right. Julie's visions had been pretty accurate. Never had they been so far in the future, but he wasn't one to question his wife's born talent for divination.

Life was like that. One big ripple effect. If Annalee Artin hadn't ditched him that night at the Halloween party, he would have never met Julie. He wouldn't have the life he had now and the children he had. If Leander hadn't put the idea in his head, they wouldn't have children when they did. Everything happened for a reason. Nothing ever stayed the same. Ominis Gaunt was a Sallow now. Gabe was a great writer. He was a family man with a successful business. Funny how life worked out that way.

He looked down at Evan who was falling asleep in his lap, wondering if it would be his child who would marry the Prewett girl. "Leander is going to get a kick out of this." He said.

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicWhere stories live. Discover now