Love Sick CH 28

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As soon as October rolled around, a nasty cold had been going around in the Weasley house. Garreth was no exception, now laying in his bed with stuffy sinuses and a heavy head. He groaned before turning over, his brain feeling as though it had a pulse. His body was hot and sweaty, but he felt as if he was freezing. Julie placed another quilt on top of him, tucking it in on his sides. "I don't think this is a normal cold Garreth, you're burning up." She said as she placed her hand on his sweating forehead, feeling how warm he was.

It was almost a miracle she hadn't gotten it as well. She had been around everyone in the Weasley family that week and had been giving Garreth kisses, even after he announced he thought he was coming down with something. "I will be fine. Just need a pepperup potion." He said, pointing to his potion cabinet that hung on the wall.

The cabinet was filled with random potions he had made. Some were just normal potions for everyday use, but others were experiments he had been working on in his free time. Every bottle had the same chicken-scratch handwriting on them, barely legible. Julie looked over the bottles, picking one up before reading it and then setting it back down. "I don't see a pepperup here dear. Are you sure you have one?"

"It's in there. I swear I made one not too long ago." He muttered, pulling the quilt over his eyes to block the sunlight that was coming from the window. Every amount of light hurt his pounding head. She kept on searching, realizing that some of these bottles only had dates on them. Garreth was an avid potioneer and brilliant as his craft, but he really needed to work on his labels. This was just pure laziness. "You said you made it recently? This one was made only two weeks ago." She said holding up a small glass bottle.

"Yea, that's about right. Give it here." He said holding his hand out from under the blanket. Julie popped the small cork off the top and handed it to him. A strange smell entered her nose as he took it. It was a mixture of random things. Black coffee, old leather, and damp wood? Her eyes widened as she realized what she was smelling was things that reminded her of Garreth. This wasn't a pepperup potion. What he was brewing two weeks ago was amortentia.

"Garreth! Stop! Don't drink that!" She yelled to him, pulling the quilt back that was over his head. It was too late. He had downed the bottle, letting out a small burp before handing it back to her, now empty. "Smells like chocolate frogs and that shampoo you use." He said before his eyes widened as well, realizing what he had just ingested. They both looked at each other for a second before Garreth stuffed two fingers down his throat, trying to make himself throw up.

He leaned over the bed, snot dripping out of his nose as he gagged himself. It was useless, nothing was coming out. He sat up in the bed, leaning against the frame as his pupils grew larger. He looked like a hot mess, snotty and sweaty as he stared at her, his expression strange.

"Garreth, are you alright?" She asked slowly, scared to walk any closer to him. "Garreth, say something dear." Her face had a look of worry on it, wondering how he would react. She had seen a classmate of hers under amortentia before. His tea was spiked by a younger Hufflepuff girl who was rejected by him. He acted completely unlike himself for almost a week, following her around and carrying her books like a lovesick puppy. That was until the nurse caught on and gave him an antidote. Did she even know how to make an antidote? Would she have to wait until it wore off? How long did that even take?

All those thoughts were rushing into her mind as she kept her eye on her husband. He got out of bed for the first time today, slowly walking over to her, the strange expression still on his pale face. "My, what an angel my wife is. Promise you will never leave my side my love. I would die for you. Kill for you." He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her in close as he leaned over, placing his head on her shoulder.

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora