World Cup pt 1 CH 18

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Garreth wiped the sweat that was dripping off his forehead and into his eye. His cheeks hurt from smiling so much. Something inside him welled up as he marveled at his new house. He was proud of himself. Not only was this his very own house, it was one he build with his dad and his brothers. The roof was finally finished, now all that was needed was some furniture. Julie had brought several things from her old house, but this place was much larger than her small cottage in Upper Hogsfeild. It had two bedrooms and a bigger sitting area. Conjuring things to make it look homier wouldn't be a problem. He wasn't excellent at it, but good enough.

"I love it Garreth. I'm very proud of you." Julie spoke as she walked into the front door, inspecting every nook and cranny of their new house. It was one thing for him to be proud of himself, but to have Julie say it meant the world to him. He had come to the realization that he liked carpentry. It was a lot like potion making. You follow a recipe, add your own little spice, and end up with something magnificent.

Not a lot of wizards knew the spells to make houses or expand on them. It was kind of like a Weasley specialty. He didn't want to announce it yet, but ideas were brewing in his head. He could make money off this. He could help people. It wouldn't be a conventional job, but it would be interesting to say the least.

His thoughts were interrupted by his mother, who pushed past him and into the house. She was carrying a box of old China and teacups. "These are just in case you don't want to have dinner with us some nights." She sat the box on the counter and began to unload them in the cupboards. "So now the house is finished, what are you going to do for a job?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

Garreth groaned. He had just finished the house this morning and they were already on his case. He had been known as lazy in the past, so maybe they were worried he would get stagnant. If it wasn't Geddy, it was his mother. Why couldn't everyone in the family be relaxed like his father. He never badgered him about anything. "I'm working on it. I have a few ideas but I'm not going to do anything for certain until after the world cup." He announced, knowing he was going to get some push back.

"The world cup?! Garreth that's two weeks away!" He mother's gaze rose from the box. Julie looked confused as well. "I didn't know we were going to the world cup." Garreth scrunched his face, did these two women even know him? "Uh, I go to the world cup every time it comes around. There is no way I'm missing it. I would have to wait another four years."

"Are you guys talking about the world cup?" Mr. Weasley popped his head into the doorframe, an excited look on his face. Garreth was relieved, if anyone was going to back him up on this one it would be his father. "Yea, the girls seem to think we aren't going this year." Garreth's tone was one of outrage. He knew how to rile his dad up.

"Well of course we are going this year! I already took off work!" Mr. Weasley crossed his arms, looking at his wife. Garreth mirrored his father, crossing his arms and flashing Julie the same look.

Julie's mouth fell open. She had never attended the Quidditch World Cup. Her family didn't particular care for Quidditch, and up until knowing Garreth, neither did she. Was she really going to be the only one left alone on the property while everyone else was attending? It wasn't like she had to attend every match. "I guess...I will take off work for it too." She said in a careful manner.

Garreth turned to his father, giving him a hard smack of a high five. "It's settled then. The whole family is going. I'll go dig out the old tent." With that Mr. Weasley left, a pep now showing in his step.


"Is this all your bringing?" Garreth asked, putting his whole head inside Julie's bag of holding. She had put an extension charm on an old carpet bag she found in the Weasley's storage closet. She even monogramed it with a dark blue 'J' on the front to personalize it. She grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling his head out of the bag.

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicWhere stories live. Discover now