Next Step CH 33

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Garreth and Leander had become two peas in a pod the last month. Leander became a regular at their house, showing up for morning coffee, going on picnics with the couple. It seemed like Leander enjoyed being their third wheel. Julie never pressed why his so-called girlfriend never came along. Julie felt that having another female besides her mother-in-law around would be refreshing. Since she didn't have a job, she took to helping Mrs. Weasley with the chores and gardening. When she stated at dinner that she would be looking for another job, Garreth told her there was no reason to. His house repairing business had skyrocketed.

Word had spread around the hamlet of his impeccable work, and he had been working almost every day. He had been working so much, he was thinking of hiring a partner to take on the extra load. "Leander, since you have been bugging us every day. Why don't you come to work with me?" Garreth asked, the two men sitting on the couch, watching Julie fold the mountain of laundry Elowyn had given her.

Leander drank the rest of his tea that was in his cup before flashing Garreth a surprised look. "Me? But I have no idea how to build houses." Garreth shrugged his shoulder. "It's easy once you learn the right spells. You will be able to do it in no time."

"I don't know about that dear. Leander has already proven he isn't the best at transfiguration. Aren't expansion spells not much different?" She said in a wary tone, not meaning it to be an insult, just the honest truth.

Leander scoffed at her comment before sitting his cup back on the tray. "I could do it. I just need some practice. It's not like I have a job lined up anyway. No one will hire me." He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back into the sofa.

"Because you are..." Julie began. "Bad at spell work." Garreth said in unison with his wife. Leander hung his head and sighed, knowing they were right. Certain types of spells just weren't his forte. When it came to dueling, he could go toe to toe with anyone. If it was for the more creative variety, he struggled. "Look mate, why don't you just come with me tomorrow and watch. If you decide it's not for you, or if your completely terrible, I'll find someone else. Maybe one of my brothers will help me on break."

Leander nodded, thinking that was reasonable. "I do need the money. I'm going to propose to my girlfriend soon and she is the picky type. If I don't get her an extravagant ring, she will most likely say no." Garreth and Julie looked at each other for a moment before looking back at Leander. The thin man scrunched his face, wondering why they were giving him that look. "What?"

"Well, we just find it odd that you have been here almost every day for a month and we still haven't got to meet your girlfriend. Don't you think she should meet your friends before you ask her to marry you." Julie explained. She had tried to be nicer to Leander. He was always the butt of the joke and usually took it in stride, but the more she got to know him she realized he was just a big softy. Like an ooey gooey cinnamon roll.

"Well, the thing is I just don't think you guys would like her very much. She's bossy and demanding. She's not relaxed like you are Julie. To be honest, I've been hanging out with you guys so much so I could give her some space."

"She is bossy and demanding and needs her space, yet you are about to ask her to marry you? That makes absolutely no sense Leander." Julie said, folding another one of Garreth's Quidditch jerseys.

Leander rubbed his face with his fingertips out of frustration. He knew Julie was right, but he loved the girl. She was the one girl who ever gave him the time of day. He wasn't going to lose her just because she had a few faults. "Look it's not that easy. Not every relationship can be like yours."

Garreth looked at Julie for a second before they both let out a large belly laugh. Leander was tired of not being in on the joke. "What are you laughing at? I'm being serious."

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora