Afternoon Tea CH 4

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"No. No. No. Nooo." Garreth Weasley was looking out the window of the Gryffindor common room, very upset. Today was his date with Julie and it had snowed several inches overnight, covering the ground. If it had just been cold that would have been fine, he could perform a heating charm to keep them warm. A picnic was a stupid idea. It was November for Merlin's sake. "Stupid. Stupid." He hit his head against the glass, his breath fogging against it.

Several of his classmates stared at him. Everyone had been talking about how odd Garreth had been acting lately. They were saying the pressure of his upcoming O.W.L.S was getting the best of him. It wasn't that at all. He was smitten with this girl.

Now he had to figure out a backup. Maybe take her out to eat? That would be great if he had any money to even pay for it. They could go on a walk like she suggested, but it would just be a repeat of last week. He stood there, barefoot, wearing pajama pants and an oversized sweater his mom made him. He was a joke. Why would a cool calm lady like her be interested in him? He was an overgrown goblin man who didn't even know how to dress.

He didn't know why he was getting his hopes up anyway. She probably wouldn't even show up. Maybe she just told him to meet her there to get him to leave. He took a deep breath, rubbing his fingers through his hair. Today was going to be a good day. He was going to put some real pants on and go up there. If she didn't show up at least he prepared himself for it.

He did just that, putting on a pair of corduroy trousers and his wool coat. He took the walk to Hogsmeade with stride, a red and gold fuzzy scarf wrapped around his neck. If she wasn't there, he would find something else to do with his day. He wasn't sure what yet. Luckily he didn't have to think about that because there she was, standing outside the entrance.

She was wearing a long black coat with a fluffy rabbit skinned hat sitting on top of her head. Her long straight hair fell down her back, almost hitting her tailbone. Her cheeks were pink from the cold and her breath was visible. She looked stunning. Garreth couldn't help but flash her a big smile as he walked up to her, relieved she had shown up.

"I guess a picnic is out of the question." He said, making it a point to put his hands in his pockets. He wanted to kiss her badly, but he didn't want to piss her off as soon as he got there.

"It most definitely is " She said, walking passed him down the road. Oh no, not this again. She walked a little way before turning around. "Are you not coming?"

He perked up abit. "Where are we going?"

A small chuckle escaped her. "Hell if we don't change our ways." Garreth turned his head, looking confused. He obviously didn't get her humor, that was fine. "We are going to my house. We can have tea there."

It couldn't be helped. She wanted to see him again. The Weasley man made great company and she was unbearably lonely. Maybe that's why she did what she did on Halloween night. It wasn't a wild hair. It was loneliness.

Upper Hogsfeild:

Garreth walked into her house, very confused at first. This was her house? She had said she had some unpacking to do but he saw no boxes. It was a barren place, with only a small table and chairs sitting by the window and a bed on the floor in the living room. She dressed like a fine pureblood lady, why did her house look like this? It didn't fit her at all.

"I'll brew us some tea. Take a seat." She said, hanging up and coat and hat. He sat at the table, tapping his fingers as he looked around the room. There really was nothing he could comment on. No pictures of her family, no pets, not even a book or two. What did she even do for fun? She came back with a tray of tea and scones, sitting it in front of him.

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicWhere stories live. Discover now