Ankles CH 7

157 9 3

"Then there was this time I ate some bad licorice, and it made my stomach hurt so bad I threw up in one of Professor Sharp's prized vases. The one with the naked mermaid on it? You know the one. I used to stare at it when I was bored in class. Anyway, that's why my friend Andre says I have a weak constitution. Now I'm scared to get anything from Honeydukes."

Julie only nodded while listening to Gabe's rambling. She had learned everything there was to know about the kid. Like the time he fell on a puffskein and was scared he had squished it to death. How he only took divination because he had a crush on Professor Onai. This poor boy. Garreth had told her he normally never talked.

She sat at the table with the family while having Christmas Dinner. The whole day had been quite eventful. The only quiet moment she had received was when Garreth had given her a tour of the house. The house was three stories high and very well put together despite the added rooms. She could tell they were expertly placed by strong magic. Every room was different, depending on the children's interests and tastes.

When the two got to Garreth and Gabe's room located in the attic she laughed. It was exactly how she would have pictured his room to be. Garreth's bed was pushed to the wall and had several blankets and pillows strewn about it, like the poor thing hadn't been made in years. Quidditch posters and flyers lined the walls along with pictures of scantily clad woman in only their chemises and corsets. One in particular caught her eye. A woman was bending over, pulling down her stocking to show off her slender ankle.

Julie bent over to touch the picture before turning her head towards him. "Really Garreth?"

Garreth held his hands up, shrugging his shoulders. "I like ankles. What can I say?"

A devious smirk played on her lips as she lifted her leg, planting her heel on the bedframe. Garreth smiled as he turned around, locking his bedroom door with his wand. She lifted her long skirts, showing her lace stockings that covered her calves. She hooked the top of her stocking and slowly slid it down until her bare ankle was shown in its great glory.

Garreth giggled, walking over to her. He gently grasped her thin ankle with his large hand and moved up and down, giving it a small massage. "Yes, you have very lovely ankles my dear. Along with other things."

Their eyes met before Garreth leaned over for a kiss. Julie lowered her leg, wrapping both arms around his shoulders as she melted into him. The whole time she had been there she had been staring at his lips, wishing to kiss him like this. It wasn't under the mistletoe, but it was just as romantic, nonetheless.

Now she was back in the chaos. Everyone was filling their plate and talking with their mouths open. Julie took a bite of the coffee cake that had been placed before her. Her eyes widened as she took another bite. "Oh, that's magnificent."

Grey was sitting across from her, chewing on a turkey leg. "Garreth said you like sweet stuff. Is that why you work at Honeydukes?"

Julie nodded. "When I was a girl my father used to take me there and get me anything I wanted. Whenever I felt sad, I would eat something sweet. It's wonder why my teeth never fell out."

This was the most talkative Julie had ever been. Maybe it was the Weasley charm that hung about the room. It made her feel comfortable to say whatever was on her mind and not feel judged. What a strange feeling that was.

The boy sitting next to her was not feeling the same way. Gabe had finally grown quiet, now looking at his plate with disdain. Had the potion finally worn off? This was the first time he had stopped talking since she had entered the Weasley home. The Ravenclaw rose from his seat, slowly making his way to the stairs.

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat