Down by the Sea CH 21

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"OK Garreth, it's just a shed. Just a storage shed. You have built a house before, so this is no big deal." He spoke to himself as he sat outside of old Mrs. Featherfield's house. Since the world cup was over, he had no excuse to not find a job. Granted, he didn't find this job, he made it up. When he announced he was going to fix and build houses for a living, his family thought he was joking.

"People can just look up how to fix their house themselves Garreth. We aren't muggles." His mother stated as she fixed the table. "Well yea, but they wouldn't do it as well as I could. What if they don't want to learn or do the labor?" Elowyn knew her son had a point, but still wished he would get a traditional job. He had gotten such good marks on his NEWTS, what was the point of even taking them?

It really didn't matter what his family had to say. He was going to at least try. Once people saw what he could do, he would have work falling into his lap. Now he had his first job, he felt the pressure. If he did a bad job, this was it, no one would hire him again. If this didn't work out, he would have to go with his plan B and start selling potions for a living. That used to be his plan A, but everyone knew how to brew at least the basic potions. He would make a lot more money faster if he proved to be good at repairing houses.

He began working on the shed, starting early in the morning. He talked his way throughout the entire process, making sure everything would be aligned and perfect. He kept his wand high in the air the whole time as he levitated lumber and bent it to his will. Mrs. Featherfield sat on her porch, watching him as she drank her morning tea. She was wondering why he was talking to himself. Was the Weasley boy crazy? That whole family was a little crazy, but there was no way she would be able to build this shed herself.

Garreth worked tirelessly, only taking a small break for some water and to use the bathroom. After about five hours, the shed was done. He walked around it a few times, making sure the infrastructure was stable. He walked inside, marveling at the shelving he put in. He walked back out and yelled over to Mrs. Featherfield. "Mam! I'm finished! Come have a look!"

"What?!" She yelled back.

"I'm done with your shed! Come look!" He yelled louder.

"What are you saying dear?! Speak up!"


The old witch made a face at him as she rose from her chair. "I'm coming. No need to scream at me." She said in an annoyed tone. The woman hobbled over to the shed, taking her time walking around it. She put her hand to her chin as she inspected it, as if to look for any faults. Garreth put his hands on his hips, a little irritated she wasn't completely amazed at first sight.

"You did good boy. Better than any of my good for nothing children would have anyway. Here is the money we agreed on and a little more for your troubles." She dug around in the pockets of her robes for quite a long time before finally pulling out a small tan leather bag. Garreth took it from her, emptying the contents on his palm. There were twenty galleons here. That's more money he had ever had in his life. They had originally agreed on fifteen, but he wasn't going to argue. If she was satisfied with his work, he was going to take it.

"Thank you, mam! If you ever need anything else, don't be scared to owl me." He flashed her a big smile as he put the money back into the sack. He started down the road, back to the Weasley house. Mrs. Featherfield shook her head as she walked back to her porch. "That poor boy. Good work ethic doesn't cure craziness unfortunately."


"Count em. Twenty galleons right there." He said, pointing to his payment he spilled out on their small tea table. Julie was cradling their Kneazle kitten like a baby, something she often did now. She had decided on the name Banshee for the loud noise the cat gave off. She had adored that cat to no end.

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicWhere stories live. Discover now