Dead Tired CH 26

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It had been a long week for Garreth. It seems that word had finally picked up surrounding his new business venture. It was mostly old witches his mother knew who couldn't fix things around the house themselves, but it was work nonetheless. Today he had fixed two roofs, repaired a chicken coop, built a doghouse, and added an additional room to an already aging house. He was extremely worn out. His body was tired, but at least his pockets were full. He really needed to get that bank account this week.

He stepped inside the door to his house, his shirt drenched in sweat from being in the hot sun all day. He enjoyed summer and all, but this was getting ridiculous. Fall couldn't come any sooner. It was early September, so a cold front should be rolling in soon.

He slipped off his shirt as Julie walked into the front room, stopping in her tracks at the sight of him. His chest glistened like a glazed pastry, good enough to eat. "Well hello Mr. Weasley. Looks like you had a hard days work." She said in a seductive manner. She leaned against the door frame to their bedroom, a smirk across her face.

He ran his hand through his damp hair that was now much longer than the shaved cut he had sported a couple months ago. It wasn't back to its normal length, but it was getting there. "Hey babydoll. You have a good day?" He asked her, plopping down on the small chair next to their tea table.

"It was nice, but I have a feeling it's going to get much better." She walked over to him, stopping when she stood in between his legs. She placed her hands on his shoulders, leaning down for a quick kiss. She had been horny all day, feeling a deep ache in her lower body for hours now. She had tried to masturbate while he was at work, but nothing could satisfy her more than the real thing. She had decided to wait until he got home. After all it would better if they both got pleasure.

Garreth looked into her eyes, his face looking weary. "Julie I'm sorry babe but I'm beat. If we did do it, it wouldn't be very good." He said, placing his hands on the small of her back, looking up at her.

She slowly moved her hands from his shoulders to the back of his neck, leaning down to give him another kiss, this time on his neck. Small sweet kisses were peppered from the bottom of his neck until she stopped behind his ear. "You don't have to do anything my love. Just sit there and enjoy it." She said as her hands now went south, unbuttoning his pants.

"Julie...for real...I'm too tired. Maybe we can tonight after I've taken a shower and ate something." He said, watching her as she pulled his dick out. It wasn't hard yet, but it wasn't completely soft either. He would just need a little further stimulation and he would change his mind. She got on her knees, her hand slowly stroking him as she stuck her tongue out, smacking his dick against it. Even though he wasn't fully hard, she still felt the weight of it. The taste was intoxicating, and his natural smell made her pussy grow wetter.

"Mmmm but you taste so good. I can't control myself when come strolling in all hot and sweaty like this." She swirled her tongue around him before puckering her lips around the tip, looking up to see if he had changed his mind.

His mouth was slightly parted as he leaned back in the chair. His tired eyes had a new life to them now. She knew he couldn't deny her with his cock in her mouth. Garreth loved getting his dick sucked. He always had to hold himself back, never wanting to cum in her mouth before he got to be fully inside her. "I guess just a quick one wouldn't hurt." He said, a small smile forming on his mouth before he winced in pleasure. She had pulled his pants down a little further so she could roll her tongue around his balls before running it up and down his length, now getting a full taste of him. The saltiness of his sweat was delicious, and his cock grew harder in her palm. She opened her mouth wider as she took him down her throat, a small gag escaping her.

Mischievous// A Garreth Weasley FicWhere stories live. Discover now