World Cup pt 3 CH 20

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"Julie did you eat roasted corn before coming?" Gabe asked while Garreth was holding her hair back so vomit wouldn't get in it. Garreth flashed his brother an intimidating look, as if to say, 'shut the fuck up.' Gabe only shrugged, thinking it wasn't an outrageous question. There was, indeed, corn in her vomit.

It was the final at the Quidditch World Cup and Julie had been a trooper throughout the whole week. She had attended most matches with Garreth, only skipping three so Gabe wouldn't be alone in the tent. Tonight however, had gotten the best of her.

Fire Whiskey was the main sponsor for the final and they were giving out complimentary drinks to anyone who had a voucher for the game. Julie had her own, but Garreth had given her his voucher since he knew if he only had one drink, he wouldn't be able to concentrate. After her two drinks, Mr. Weasley gave her his. When she was done with that, Mrs. Weasley gave her hers. Four drinks in and she was feeling pretty good. The game had gotten her riled up and she was screaming in the stands, cheering on France.

France had ended up winning that first game after eleven hours of playing. Julie felt bad for the team, but was impressed by their determination. She had decided after that, France was her team. Geddy had gone ahead and took his voucher, only having that one drink. When Julie saw the drink in his hand, she pouted. She couldn't expect everyone in the family to give her theirs, they deserved some fun too.

"Don't pout now. I think you have had enough anyway." Garreth laughed at her, rubbing her back as France scored three more points. Julie scrunched up her face. Who was he to tell her she had enough? She never got to let loose. She was older than him dammit! She could do whatever she pleased.

"I'm getting another. I have the money for it anyway." She turned her nose up at him as she rose from her seat, walking back to the fire whiskey stand. Garreth watched her as she left, a little worried. Geddy laughed at his expression. "Women. They are going to do whatever they want no matter what you tell them. The women we like do anyway."

Garreth hated to admit it, but Geddy was right. He wouldn't like it if Julie did everything he said. In fact, he would find that quite boring. She was calm and sure of herself most times, but she had a fire in her he admired.

Julie came back, her drink already half gone. She tipped her head back and downed the rest, a small burp escaping her throat. A sly smile came on her face as Garreth shook his head. "You do what you want, but your gonna have the worst headache in the morning." Julie spoke in slurred words, the pitch in her voice going up three octaves. "That's why I have you." She poked the top of his nose. "I know you will take care of me."

Garreth smiled, finding her drunken state amusing. He had never seen her like this. "Yes, I will take care of you. If you admit I was right." Julie shook her head. "Yea that's not going to happen." They continued to watch the game, cheering on France as they were beating Transylvania by a landslide. After about thirty minutes, Julie wasn't feeling very hot. She felt her stomach turn and nausea started to set in. She turned to Garreth, placing her hand on his shoulder.

When he looked over to her, he could see all the color was drained from her face. She was ghostly pale and had a sick expression. Gabe had turned around, asking Julie if she wanted to go grab some fudge from the candy stand with him before realizing what was happening. "Oh, you look like your about to throw up." He spoke, stating the obvious. Julie covered her mouth with her hand instead of responding. Garreth sprung into action, pulling her up from her waist as Gabe followed. They raced through the stands, making their way outside of the pitch. Julie had held in her vomit as long as she could but as soon as they made it outside, she let it go. Gabe winced at the site, a disgusted look on his face. Garreth held back her long black hair as she released five glasses of fire whiskey and her dinner onto the grass.

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