021. act like a dickhead

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G O O D   G I R L S,
chapter twenty-one

G O O D   G I R L S, chapter twenty-one

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third person.

after overthinking everything herself during all her classes on that same monday, and also being more so talked into agreeing to having a fake boyfriend in order to make the football caption jealous by her friends over the lunch period, penelope was now sat in her math classroom with marco at the desk beside her.

and as they waited for the teacher while the class filled up, marco had his elbow rested on the desk and his head on the palm of his hand as kept his eyes on her with a smile on his face, softly talking with the girl who was clearly feeling a little more awkward about the whole situation.

"i swear this boy's always late to class," he chuckled after glancing over at the front as their teacher entered the classroom, going over to his desk and placing a pile of papers down.

"mhm," penelope softly nodded.

"alright, everyone settle down please," mr. palgrave gained the class' attention. "we'll- jonah," he sighed as he looked over at the boy entering, not in the mood to deal with his usual shenanigans. "don't even open your mouth, go sit down in a empty seat."

"right okay," he scoffed while his eyes scanned around the room, quickly catching onto penelope and the boy beside her, inaudibly humming to himself as he walked to the empty seat at the back of the room.

while mr. palgrave begun the lesson, jonah sat there with his eyes on the pair. everything single word coming from the teacher's mouth, going in one of his ears and straight out the other as all he could think about was getting her attention back on himself.

and as a thought popped into his mind, he sat forwards slightly, pulling his shirt off and then chucking it down on his backpack — gaining a few catcall type whistles and laughs from the male classmates around him, which brought everyone's attention to him.

"jonah, put your shirt back on," mr. palgrave shook his head.

"it's hot in here," the jock shrugged.

"put your shirt back on or you go to principal jenson's office, your choice."

"it's pyjama day though?" jonah furrowed. "i'm just being realistic here.. at i still have pants on, even that more than what i sleep in."

penelope glanced over her shoulder at him again, quickly biting down on her lips and she turned back to her workbook, avoiding to look at anyone else this time as she felt her cheeks slowly and slightly heat up.

"i understand that, yes," he nodded. "however, it specifically says shirts and pants must be worn. everyone else can follow the rules, why can't you?"

"cause i don't feel like it," he shrugged once again.


"can i make a deal with you sir?" he interrupted him, watching the male fold his arms as he looked at him unamused. "get polo to move from my desk then i'll consider putting my shirt back on."


"polo," he repeated, pointing over at said boy.

"his name's marco first of all. and you know what, jonah, no, marco can stay there," mr. palgrave said as he wandered over his disk, grabbing the worksheets for the class. "i'd rather you stay back there and act like a dickhead, then let you disrespect fellow students and then once moved, continue to distract other students."

"what the fuck sir, you're disrespecting me by calling me a dickhead," jonah scoffed. "why would you call me that?"

"maybe cause you are," marco laughed under his breath.

"okay! everyone calm down," mr. palgrave raised his voice over all the students reacting to the previous comment. "now pass these sheets down and get straight to completing. silent! no talking with each other or changes will be made for remainder of the year. if you have any questions or want any help, don't hesitate to come up here and ask."

"geez," jonah sighed out.

the next hour of class passed by and since getting permission by mr. palgrave to pack up early, by the time the bell rung, the class was all making their way out of the room. marco sticking close by penelope, knowing how much them being together was annoying the jock.

"just text me, i gotta go," jonah interrupted the boy he was talking to after noticing the girl he's kept his eyes on all lesson walk out of the room, marco loosely holding onto a couple of her fingers. "hey, polo."

"keep walking," marco whispered to the girl. "i'm not answering to that."

"hey dickhead," he caught up to them, gently grabbing penelope's arm and pulling her away from the other boy, which caused them both to stop and turn around. "leave my girl alone, okay?"

"your girl? hm.." he softly nodded.

"well she'll never date someone like you," jonah flicked his eyes up and down his body. "so keep your hands and yourself away from her, got it? also if you think she's into you, think again cause she was definitely checking me out multiple times during class.. weren't you penny?"

"look, i get the whole.." marco spoke up after the girl didn't reply, "i'm football caption and i have abs and i look hot which, of course, means girls drool at the sight of you. and i mean you have a huge ego so it makes sense that you act like this. but some of the shit that comes out of your mouth is actually unbelievable.."

"listen!" he raised his voice, shoving the other against the lockers. "i said don't fucking go near her."

"jonah, stop," penelope finally chimed in, attempting to grab his hand. "it was a joke, we're just friends, please don't hurt him.."

"i'm not hurting him," jonah pulled his hands away from him, holding them up in the air as he took a step back. "i just want him to agree to not think he can get with you.."

"i won't get with her, that's fine by me," marco shrugged, taking a step towards him and grabbing his shoulder as he added in his ear; "but don't be thinking that acting the way you have been is gonna win her over. treat her with respect, not like an object."


"penny, you coming or staying?" he cut the other off as he turned back around, raising a brow.

"uh.." she quietly hummed, glancing between the two boys.

jonah pulled penelope in closer to himself, connecting their lips for a few seconds without any hesitation. "don't go with him, let me take you home," he whispered.

"i gotta go, i'm gonna miss the bus," marco mentioned. "penny, i don't care about what you do but just think about everything.. in general.."

"mh," she nodded, looking back at the jock as her friend walked away. "don't you have training?"

"yeah, but i can be late," he shrugged.

"could you maybe just drop me off at the elementary school..?"

"yeah, of course," jonah laid his arm over her shoulders, starting to lead her in the direction of the school carpark.

"thank you.." she softly and slightly mumbled.

and he's been won back

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