033. you wanted to earlier

84 4 3

G O O D G I R L S,
chapter thirty-three

G O O D   G I R L S, chapter thirty-three

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

jonah :))
[ 9:14pm ]

u at home nel

yes i am :)) i just finished

did you wanna hang

i sorta agreed that i'll do all
jacks shit before the end of
the month

but i will get an extra 10 buck
so it's sorta a win

what was it that he wanted
me to do?

sneak out. stay out all night.
skip a class/ditch a whole day
of school. get drunk. then u not
do hw

and how is he going to know
if i do any of this?

photo vid proof

or them being around

so there's a party on friday
if u wanna get drunk then

boys will ofc be there

and i'll take care of u promise

i'll see about that

so u wanna hang out tn

we could get one thing off
the list

or two

sneak out and stay out all night?


well i'd rather not stay up on a
school night

i'm happy to do it one weekend :)

this sat?

party friday then saturday nights

or we could stay out all night
friday after the party and sneak
out another night

up to u

well i have work on saturday
morning and then sunday afternoon
so it would work better for me to stay
up till like 6 on the sunday then sleep
before work if that's okay?

yea we can do that

okayy :))

i might not get drunk on friday
though because of work that's

all g there still a couple
weeks till oct

i'll get next weeks work
schedule on monday then we
can work it out :))


were you still wanting to
hang out tonight?

what ya wanna do

idk i was just asking cause
you wanted to earlier

i mean i can come over
and hang if ya wanna

do u wanna hang

i don't mind

i do have an assignment to do
and we'll probably do the same
as the last two nights so it's up
to you

actually i gtg i'll msg later

might show up idk i'll let
ya know

okayy :))

quick filler :)) also do we want
a chapt of what jonah's up to
or just skip to the next day 🤔

GOOD GIRLS; jmrfHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin