(Zaviors POV) Chapter 5- Wanted

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I know walking off was stupid, but I had to. They found me. I don't know how, but they did.

When I was walking off I shouldn't have look back. How hurt and confused Sarah was, was clearly placed upon her face. It broke my heart, but truth be told my heart doesn't work.

I have to clear my mind in order to find these guys and finish them off before they do anything.

The only way for me to keep Sarah off my mine is by telling myself that she's safer without me.

Looking down from the top of some Microsoft building, I see the guys I am looking for. My mind has gone into hunter mode. Kill or be killed.

Looking down, I can tell they know I'm here or at least near by. They keep looking back and forth. There's a total of three of them. One across the street hiding behind a newspaper. Another on the phone - a few feet away- speaking french. I can't hear what he is saying, even with great hearing. I can tell though that he is stressed and is freaking out. Probably his boss yelling at him for not finding me fast enough. And the third guy is right below me, sitting at a bus stop. They're freshly turned vampires. I can tell by the way they look at each human that passes by them. Must have a scary boss or they would be in some dark alley sucking a human dry of their blood.

I plan to take one down at a time. First the one below me. He seems like the easiest. Then I'll go for the guy on the phone, for he seems like the leader of this little crew. Then I go for the one behind the newspaper. He seems like he's had more training, but doesn't have a brain. So I plan to get information out of him.

I jump down and extend my fangs. I land on top of him. I cut off his vocal cords so he can't scream. I hurry up and drag him down a alley, before anyone can see. Ripping off his head and dumping him in a dumpster a few feet away wasn't planned, but necessary.

When I turn around, I see the guy who was the phone a couple yards ahead of me. Right when I began to take a step forward, he says, "Stop. Let me say a few things first."

I don't know if I trust him, but I stay where I am. Already knowing if he tries and run I can catch him.

"Master Zoe isn't happy with you. Taking his girl like that. He told you to stay quiet and out of the way, but of course you wouldn't" He's disgust is quite clear.

I don't understand. I know he can't be talking about Sarah, she's merely human.

"What do you mean? Who are you talking about?" I don't mean to sound intrigued, but I can't help it.

"Oh my. Sounding like a lost pup. Of course you know who I'm talking about, you where just with her."

Terror strikes me, but I keep it hidden, "What in the world does Jeff want with Sarah?"

"Do NOT call Master Zoe by his first name," he says angrily."For her powers, silly."

"What powers?" I demand.

He sighs, as if he just got of from a long day of work, "I do not have time for this."

Before I can do anything he pulls a knife out from his back pocket and stabs himself right in the heart.

I'm completely shocked by his actions. I walk up slowly and check his pulse, already knowing the answer. Dead.

I exit the alley and look around for the third guy, but he is no where to be seen. Even though I don't see the other guy I see the phone that one of the guys where using, across the street, in the middle of the side walk.

I go over and pick it up. Everything was deleted, but one message from a unknown number, saying "fuck you, you fucking trader!"

I look around as if the person who sent it was watching me. I look back down at the message and know exactly who sent it.

Jeff Ling Zoe.

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