(Jeff Ling Zoe's POV) Chapter 34 - Now we're moving

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I've been on a this stupid hunt for way to long. I shouldn't even have to hunt down anything. I.. Just... Need her. I don't usually need anything, with all the power I have. I shouldn't have a problem, but here I am getting pissed off. I throw the glass I had in my hand, making it shatter all over the wall beside me. I crack my knuckles in frustration. Ever since I heard about her, I had to see her myself. I mean who ever heard about someone have the ability to-

I hear foot steps slowly walk into my room nervously distracting me from what I was thinking about. . It pisses me off when they don't knock. I mean how hard can it be to-

"Sure." Someone says behind me disturbing me from my thoughts.

"What!" I say angrily.

I turn around to see one of my pathetic "workers".

My office is huge, the way I like it. I behind my giant desk, that has papers scattered everywhere on it. I have a picture of me across the room, above the purple couch of mine. I have it so everything screams power and control. It's so I can intimidate anyone who walks in it. So far it's worked.

I smirk at the thought, but then remember that someone else is in the room with me. I pull out a box of cigars from the top drawer and also a lighter. I slowly light it and blow a cloud of smoke at my "worker", making him go in a fit of coughs.

I laugh hysterically at how pathetic he look. I suddenly drop it and get ready for whatever he has to say. I sit down and take another puff of my cigar.

"Now hurry up and spill." I say harshly making sure he knows his position, while taking another puff. Inhaling it slowly and skillfully. Blowing it out, creating a perfect 'O'.

"Well.. Well um..sir." He stutters, fearfully.

"Well spit it out already!" I say frustrated. I do not have all day. Each day I don't have Sarah in my grip, the more pissed off I get. I glare at my "worker" and try and wait patiently.

"Well..." I try and say calmly, but it comes out more stiff then intended.

The "worker" standing on the other side of my desk is pretty young. I remember when he came, talking about power and shit. How he could help me. I thought it was some funny shit. I would have killed him, but when he started telling me about all other crap, how he has connections, I couldn't say no. He was the first to come to me and asked me to turn him. He was the first who was willing to work with me. All though there are times like these I regret taking in a.. How old is he 8, maybe 9 year old. I plan on just using him now and I'll probably kill him later on.

"Sure they're onto operation Granny." He states.

I look over to see if he's actually serious. He's shaking nervously, but overall he doesn't seem like he's lying. I'd rip his head off if he was and i know he knows that, too.

"Well, you know what this means." I say making him look at me funny, but he quickly covers it. "It's time to celebrate." I say calmly.

I open my bottom drawer and pull out two cups and bottle of scotch.

It's all planned perfectly. Will those guys are on their little adventure, I've set up a trap, which they obviously fell into. It too me awhile to get it set up with those parts being secured and what not, but I got it done. As always.

My "workers" eyes widen, but he covers his emotions quickly again. I think I may like this kid, if I ever liked my "workers", but I don't.

I fill up the two cups and push one toward him. He hesitates, but he quickly grabs it, when he sees me nod my head.

"I'd like to make a toast." I say even though I'd rather just chug it down.

I bring my cup up and the kid brings his cup up toward my.

"To my plan finally going right to plan." I state.

I bring my cup back and quickly chug it, oblivious to the sting.

"To moving on." I hear him mumble.

When he says that, his name quickly comes back to me and how he'll help me with my amazing plan.

"You better drink up." I tell him. "You won't be getting that again anytime soon, Calab." I state.

With that, he brings the cup up and chugs it, he eyes shut. He sets his cup down, going off into another fit of coughs.

"Now where moving on." I say with a hug grin on my face.

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