57. Carter, Oliver, Caleb and Andrew by lanixo

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57. Carter, Oliver, Caleb and Andrew

Second Chances, Matters of the Heart, Tumble and Fall, Twist of Fate and Forget me not by lanixo

1. Can you tell us more about you?

Lani is a nickname. I was born and raised in Canada and no, I do not say, "Eh". I love travelling. I don't like chocolate. I know, the horror. I play the piano and most of the time you can tell what mood I'm in by what I'm playing.

2. From where did you get the idea of Second Chances?

I came across this quote by Rashida Rowe. "Rewinding time is not possible, but do-overs are. Sometimes we get another chance to do something right the second time that we got wrong the first time." And the plot quickly came together after that.

3. What do you think makes your books different from the others?

I like to include little twists and turns that the readers aren't expecting. I also try to make my characters as realistic as possible. And while tension, conflict and suspense may hook readers, it's the character development that makes it interesting. I want readers to feel an emotional attachment to these characters whether it be love, hate or something in between.

4. What does writing mean to you?

Writing is a way for me to express emotions and allow myself to escape into another world for a little while. And as much as I enjoy writing, it's not something I plan to make a career out of.

5. What is your favorite quality about Carter Bishop?

It would have to be his capacity to love despite getting his heart broken. He's a man who loves deeply. Some may see it as a weakness, and while that may be true, it also makes him human. We see his heart slowly mend as the story progresses, and we can't help but want things to work out for him and Casey. And for him to give his heart to a woman who truly deserves it.

6. Best chapter of Matters of the Heart, according to you?

I would have to say chapter 29, mainly because it contains one of my favorite scenes between Oliver and Sophie. It's a simple conversation that we can all relate to.

7. If Oliver had to give tips on wooing women, what would he say?

Be confident. Be yourself. Be there for her. And believe in one another.

8. So this is a rapid fire round, you have to answer five questions, quickly. Do not think!

A. Oliver v/s Carter. Pick one: Oliver.

B. First thing that comes to your mind when someone says Caleb Morgan? Stubborn.

C. What impact has Wattpad made on your life? Very little, only because I'm not very active on Wattpad.

D. Who is your favorite female character from your own books? Casey.

E. Do you have a muse for your stories? Yes.

9. Who are the authors who inspire you?

There are too many to name, but J.K. Rowling is the first one that comes to mind.

10. If you were given a chance to date any fictional character from any TV show, who would it be and why?

Chuck Bartowski. He's just so darn cute and charming. He's trustworthy and loyal. He believes the best in people and is supportive of those he cares about. And last but not least, he's got a good sense of humour.

A/N: Thank you for the amazing interview Lani :) A lot of great interviews are lined up. You all are definitely in for a treat!

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