50. Arjun, Chris and Thomas by HIndia150

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50. Arjun, Chris and Thomas

The Temptation Series, Sweet Surrender and Untame My Heart by HIndia150

1. Can you tell us some things about you?

A delightful young woman you will really get tired of dealing with but your precariously unbalanced dilemma will make it far too difficult to resist. Absolutely loves to dribble in random sentences that have the magical power to convert themselves into meaninful paras, chapters and novels. A self proclaimed beauty, world acclaimed nerd who just wants to be...the queen of your hearts.

Just give me a tiny space, right there in your lovely heart, I will squeeze myself into it and slowly, unfailingly spread my wings, taking it in my loving captivity. *Hugs*

2. What made you write Sweet Surrender?

One fine morning, I had this undying urge to read an angsty, sensual, passionate romance with waspish, utterly lovable characters; whose glares would kill you, steaming touch set your heart on fire and love that would melt a hardened heart. Did I just describe an irresistible combination? *Laughs heartily*. So, I decided to pen it. That way I could imagine it, write it and best of all read it whenever I wanted. A win-win situation.

3. What do you think makes your books different from the others?

This is my favorite question. Did I tell you I am under strict observation- really! I am learning to be utmost...blah..boring...modest.

This question provides me not so subtle opportunity to revel in my awesomeness and in the quest of stating the truth- get beaten by other 'awesome-r' authors. *shakes head* Seriously, without further diversion, I am going to just say- I write from my heart, body and soul. It is me in there. My essence. And...*whispers* if anyone finds anything extraordinary..please do let me know. I will run up here and edit my answer. Of course, not without your permission. *smiles innocently*

4. Do you have any tips to get through writer's block?

When you feel the urge to throw yourself at the laptop or better yet, throw the unsuspecting, innocent laptop and maddening yourself out of the window. Trust me, try this quick fix. *rubs hands* Close your eyes and write. Write like nobody can ead, nobody can understand. And very important, in the end..use spell check. *nods* It is ironical, I need to use spell check more when I write with my eyes open. It's heartening to see those red lines..makes you almost proud to know you can still make those beautiful callous mistakes. *sighs*

5. What is your favourite quality about Chris?

Chris..I love that man. *gushes* He has a heart of gold, vast potential to love. When he falls for Rachel, he falls hard and knows it is the 'forever' kind of love. What I love about him is how he cherishes and protects her like the world's greatest treasure. *cuddles*

6. Best chapter of Sweet Surrender, according to you?

I would say chapter 32..Just because you would need to read the preceding 31 chapters to read what is so utterly delicious in the said chapter and once you have been enamored by it. I bet you would just be compelled to read the ensuing ones. Afterall, if you have ploughed through, it's better to finish. Finishing *not perverted, mind you* shows an inherent acquired quality. I am smart.Thank you! *winks*

7. If Arjun had to give tips on flattering girls, what would he say?

Arjun would say- Just be like me.

"Marry me, Arjun!" *places hand on my heart*

That man, that swag, the tortured hero look; brooding, dark, that arrogance, possessiveness *kill me* and the die hard capability to love.

Men, a word of advice, be like Arjun and girls will give you a flattering opportunity to fall at their feet and the wondrous honor to worship them...us...for eternity.

8. So this is a rapid fire round, you have to answer five questions, quickly. Do not think!

A. India: 
Mine! *looks proudly*

B. First thing that comes to your mind when someone says Wattpad? Addiction. *sighs in dismay* I am truly helpless here. It's my drug.

C. What impact has writing made on your life? Writing has made me discover myself. It's brought me closer to who I am, my aspirations, my dreams. I adore writing. Can't think of life without it. Who needs men, when you have books to write. *smirks happily*

D. Who is your all time favourite musician? Oh...a perplexing question. *Hides face in embarrassment and mumbles* I am music blind..

E. What is your mantra of life? *cooes* You make your own fairytale!

9. Who are your favourite Wattpad authors? 

My 'fan- followed' list. Best people in the whole, wide virtual world. I love them all. *Hugs tightly*

10. If you were given a chance to be any fictional character from any books. Who would it be and why?

An independent woman being wooed, worshipped and loved by a really handsome hottie. *dreamy sigh* I have a huge romantic bone in my body. Prince charming, are you listening? I am here and so ready. Come, sweep my away. *makes a grand sweeping gesture*

Thank you for the lovely interview @HIndia10, she is such a sweet girl :) Link of UMH is on the external link. 

A/N: I am so sorry for not updating for like three months, life has been crazy. Let me know which authors you want me to interview next in the comment. 

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