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We sat on the porch and ate dinner, had several glasses of wine and effortless conversation. The sun had set and darkness was settling around us, but the full moon was reflecting off the water and giving the beach an ethereal glow.

"Let's go down to the water, look how gorgeous the moon is Sara..." Austin said as he stood, helping me clear the table of our meal.

"I was about to ask the same thing. I want to lay and look at the stars with you. Since we couldn't see them last night." I giggled.

We carried our takeout boxes to the kitchen and dumped them. Austin kissed my temple and walked to the stairs.

"Let me grab my guitar, I'll play for you if you want..." he said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Of course baby, I would never turn you down. I love watching and hearing you play. I'll bring drinks.. wine? Bud light?" I asked as he hurried up the stairs.

"I guess I'll take some piss water, as you so lovingly referred to it as." He laughed at me.

"I didn't call it piss water! I called it bitter water. Hey and can you grab my pack of cigarettes off the top of my bag please?" I asked him as I rummaged around and found a small cooler bag, just big enough for a six pack and packed it for him. Assuming we would spend a few hours out there, I brought a full bottle of Maison for myself.

"I've got a pack already. On the table outside" he said.

I chuckled. "Ok well can you look in my pack and bring me one of the joints I got from Eli? Do you care?" I asked up at him.

"Of course I don't care.. sweetheart you aren't bothering me at all. Don't be silly!" He laughed as he slung his case over his shoulder and tucked the joint behind his ear and came down the stairs.

"Look how cute, did you pack a lunch baby?" He asked as he took the small cooler from me.

"No! It's for you. I packed you a few beers so you wouldn't have to come back to the house for a bit. I'm just being prepared!" I laughed as we stepped into the still warm sand off the porch. Austin slipped his hand in mine as he led us down to the water's edge.

The full moon bathed everything in silvery light, the water sparkled as the waves crashed into the sand. We could easily see our way to the lounger. There were hundreds of stars in the sky, twinkling and blinking in the dark velvet sky.

We reached the lounge chair and I put my bottle of wine on a small built in table on the side as Austin put his case and cooler on the cushion. I took my glass and walked down to the water. Watching small crabs dart and run away from my steps as I reached the surf and it crashed around my ankles. The water was warm and slightly stung my freshly shaved legs. I kept walking until the water was about calf deep, the gentle push and pull of the waves felt good against me. I heard Austin splash up behind me and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I reached up and held his forearm in my hand as I took a drink of my wine. There were lights from a large ship far off in the horizon.

"It feels good doesn't it baby?" He said in my ear as he kissed my neck.

"Damn I bet it feels a lot better for you. I'm sure you don't get much time to just relax and enjoy things like this. You work so hard." I said, kissing his forearm and laying my head back on his chest.

"I'm seeming to find time to enjoy it more since I've met you. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here relaxing, I would be at some club or party. Doing too much. Getting wasted. It feels better to just ground myself for a change, thank you for that." He kissed my temple and bushed loose hair behind my ear that was being blown around in the salt air.

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