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"Hyeonju says you're always a step ahead... Any idea of what's gonna happen next?" Gunwoo asked. Jeongmin sighed. "Well... Considering that Jangdo is gone... He most likely reported to Myeonggil and now they're sending backup." Jeongmin answered as they waited.

"Along with Beom, whom you guys tied up, if Beom is knocked out and can't reach his phone, Jangdo will also report that, we just have to move quickly at this point." Jeongmin sighed.

As they waited, the two came out with bags of bars and money.

Gunwoo got into the car that held all the boxes of money. Woojin and Hyeonju got into her car with the bags from the safe. Jeongmin got onto her motorcycle.

But as they were gonna leave, they got blocked.

Hyeonju called Gunwoo to tell him to follow her.

She drove through a shortcut and Gunwoo followed behind, followed by Jeongmin.

They raced down the streets trying to get away. After getting pretty far, Jeongmin rose her left arm and spoke.

"Track my location and send it to the Killer Hounds group chat." She said to her watch.

"Track location sent." The voice said.

"Call Park Sunho." Jeongmin said after.

"Yeah?" He answered, not tired at all. "I sent my location to the group chat, hurry over." She said. He took it as danger and hung up. He called everyone else and the group headed off to her location.

Hyeonju held the cars back as Gunwoo drove in the front, along with Jeongmin who drove next to him. She took it upon herself to drive further and ahead of the rest.

She waited inside the tunnel as they started to approach.

Jeongmin watched as Gunwoo's car was coming closer but Hyeonju's car was having issues. As she watched Hyeonju flip the van flip over, Gunwoo stopped his car.

Hyeonju pushed the car over its limits and it died.

"We have to get the bags and run." Hyeonju looked at Woojin. The two got out of the car and grabbed the bags from the back and making a slow run for it as the enemies chased after them.

"Yah, Jeongmin, help me move the boxes." Gunwoo said. Jeongmin removed her helmet and went over to the passenger door to help. They emptied the passenger seat for the two who were slowly approaching.

As the two anticipated the others, Jeongmin shook her head.

"DITCH THE BAGS!" She yelled. 

Woojin looked back at the people running after him. "We just gotta do it!" Woojin yelled at Hyeonju. The two threw the bags and ran faster towards the car. As they reached the car, some vans pulled up behind them.

"Yah! Watch out!" Woojin pointed behind Jeongmin and Gunwoo.

Coming out the vans was Jeongmin's team. A smile appeared on her face as some stood outside the vans and on top.

"We're trapped..." Gunwoo said.

"Sunho! Give the orders whenever you're ready!" Jeongmin said getting back to her bike. She put on her helmet, moving the screen of the helmet up to be able to see them better.

"Sunho?" Woojin questioned. "Just get in the car and follow me!" Jeongmin ordered them. The three packed into the car Gunwoo was driving.

Jeongmin looked up at Sunho who was standing tall on one of the vans. He looked at her as well. She nodded and he smiled with a nod before she signaled Gunwoo to follow her and they drove off.

"Who are you?" One of the enemies asked. "Someone sent from hell." Sunho shrugged with a smile. Sunho looked at the team who piled out of the vans and had their hands behind their back.

"Now remember... Don't actually kill them... But a couple hits wouldn't hurt." Sunho whispered.

"Go for it!" He yelled. They all took their hands out from behind their backs, revealing the guns they were holding and they started to fire.

~ 𖣓 ~

As they arrived to the house, they unpacked the car, taking the boxes of money with them.

As they went downstairs to set the boxes down, Mr. Choi greeted them. Gunwoo and Jeongmin headed back upstairs to get the rest of the boxes.

He looked at Hyeonju.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "We lost all the money from the safe... I'm sorry..." Hyeonju responded. "Did you get hurt?" Mr. Choi asked. All he cared about was the health of the girl.

"I'm alright." Hyeonju responded. "Then it's fine." Mr. Choi said.

Jeongmin stood at the top of the stairs listening in on their conversation. She sighed as she walked away.

Jeongmin was always envious about their relationship and how much care Hyeonju gets. Growing up in the orphanage and never being adopted, Jeongmin had to rely her trust on the staff who worked there and the other kids who surrounded her.

Mr. Choi cared for her, but not the same way he cared for Hyeonju. Hyeonju was like his actual granddaughter, Jeongmin was just a friend. He created an orphanage just for Hyeonju, Jeongmin was just placed there after being abandoned by her parents.

She never experience the feeling of love or being loved. Previous guys she's dated were just a placement holder for her own feelings.

By the time she reached the outside, Gunwoo had returned with more boxes.

"Jeongmin-ah." He called her name. She looked up at him, escaping her own thoughts. "Me and Woojin will get the rest of the boxes, you and Hyeonju should go get some sleep." He gave his cute smile to the girl.

Looking at his smile, it made her feel warm and safe, something she's never felt.

"Are you sure?" She asked. "Yeah, don't worry about it." He nodded as he kept his smile. She smiled with a nod before heading back inside, where she ran into Hyeonju.

"Let's go to bed. Gunwoo said him and Woojin will get the rest of the stuff." Jeongmin said, interlocking her arm with Hyeonju's as she led her upstairs.

"What did your group do back there?" Hyeonju asked as she laid down in her bed, Jeongmin laying on some matts on the floor. "Who knows... I put Sunho in charge as usual and he does some crazy shit." Jeongmin said.

"As usual." Hyeonju said. "Goodnight, Jeongmin."

"Night, Hyeonju."

~ 𖣓 ~

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