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Jeongmin and Sunho headed down the stairs, but they were at the top level so it was taking them a while.

Jeongmin stopped Sunho as she put a finger over her mouth, signaling him to stay quiet.

They heard constant groans coming from the main room where the party was being held.

"I didn't know it was starting this soon..." Sunho said. "It wasn't suppose to... In the file, it said that they'd start the massacre at 11..." Jeongmin replied.

The two rushed down the stairs and went back to the main room.

"Who the fuck even are you!?" The man on the ground asked. Jeongmin's eyes were on the man as he held his jaw. She followed it up to the person standing in front of him.

"Didn't both them get rid of Myeonggil with the held of Jeongmin?" Everyone started to ask and confirm.

"Kim Gunwoo? Hong Woojin?" Sunho questioned.

The two looked up at Jeongmin and Sunho.

"What are you guys doing here?" Jeongmin asked. "We're here to help!" Gunwoo said. "He pressured me to be here." Woojin pointed at Gunwoo.

"This isn't a party, this is a-" Before Gunwoo could finish, Jeongmin ran up to her and covered his mouth. "I don't know what you're talking about." She smiled. "This is a party. Specifically, a party that only loan sharks and bloodhounds were invited to." She glared at him. 

"So." She laughed. "Apologize to the man and either enjoy the party or get the fuck out." Jeongmin said. Woojin looked over at Sunho who mouthed "we know about the massacre".

"Gunwoo, just apologize." Woojin sighed. "Why should I?" Gunwoo questioned. "Just do it." Jeongmin demanded.

Gunwoo sighed as he turned to the man on the ground and apologized to him.

"Well, let's start the party again!" Everyone yelled. The music started back up.

"Everything's cleared outside, only one Crimson member left inside." Haemin confirmed through the in-ears.

"What was that? Do you not know?" Gunwoo whispered to the girl. "That this is just a set up." Jeongmin said. "I know everything." She smiled.

"Now get out, Kim." She pointed towards the doors. "What? No, I'm gonna stay for when everything goes down... I'm gonna help." He said. "No way in hell, Kim." She started to push him but because he was twice her size, he managed to hold his ground.

"I hate you." She walked off.



"Get Kim and Hong out." Jeongmin said to her group. They nodded as they headed to find the two.

"It's time to go." Jisung said as he found them. "Why?" Gunwoo asked. "The party's almost over, you've been here for an hour, nothing happened, we're all good." Jisung said.

"No, no, no." Woojin stopped him. "Sunho said that you guys know about the massacre." Woojin said. "Okay, whatever." Jisung shook his head. "Per Jeongmin's request, aka the person who pays me, she ordered us to get you guys out." Jisung said.

"Now please go so I can get paid properly." He sighed. "If you guys don't, she'll cut our pay." He added. "Is money all that matters? What about your lives?" Woojin asked.

Jisung sighed.

"We all work for money. Us... We're on the clock 24/7." Jisung said. "Unlike you guys, we can't go out and get a normal job anymore, so headset before you turn into one of us, or even worse, dead." Jisung pushed them out.

"Who's that again?" A man asked his goon. "Kim Gunwoo, he's the one Myeonggil cut on the face back then. After that, him and his friend there partnered with Mr. Choi, in which they got contact with Jeongmin." His goon replied.

"As said they have a thing for each other?" Another spoke. The man nodded as he took in the info. "How much money does Park have on her team?" He asked. "Billions upon billions."

"I've got a plan that we'll execute later on..." The man smiled. 

When the clock strikes 11, the only Crimson left yelled out for his group to start on their massacre, but there was only him.

Jeongmin laughed.

"GO FOR IT!" Jeongmin yelled as her group started it out.

The massacre went on, shots beings heart from within the building from the outside. Everyone was running around, attacking one another. 

Gunwoo had stopped Woojin from walking away from the building as they waited for everything to happen. When it did, he tried to run back but Woojin grabbed his arm.

"Are you fucking crazy!? Do you not hear everything happening inside!?" Woojin yelled at his friend. "But Jeongmin-!" Gunwoo yelled as tears filled his eyes. "Who gives a fuck!?" Woojin questioned.

"As much as I would consider her our old friend, she isn't worth dying in there over!" Woojin yelled. "Jeongmin has told us many times to not get involved, she drew the final line! We can't get involved now." Woojin pulled his friend but he still refused.

Once everything settled down inside, there was nothing to be heard. Woojin stopped trying to drag his friend as his friend settled.

There was nothing for a couple minutes until laughter filled running out.

"We killed that! Literally." Jeongsu laughed. "Did you guys see that guys face when Jeongmin gave him the gun?" Junseo laughed.

"Jeongmin..." Gunwoo saw the bloody girl who had a smile on her face.

"Your doctors gonna kill you." Sunho said looking at the girls hands in which the stitches came out a little. "Anything for the group." She smiled. 

"Jeongmin-ah!" Gunwoo ran and hugged the girl. She stood in stock before pushing him off. "What are you still doing here?" She questioned him. "Jisung?" She turned to look at her member. "I only pushed them out and then Woojin said he had it from there." Jisung held his hands up in defense.

"I'm gonna say this for the last time. I don't want to associate with you guys. I hate you guys and I wouldn't mind killing you guys if I have to. Get the fuck out of my life." Jeongmin sternly said, creating the barrier even stronger than it already was.

Gunwoo looked down at the girl as she spoke, feeling his heart break even more. Little did he know, it also killed Jeongmin.

~ 𖣓 ~

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