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Damin had ran back to her room after she got a notification saying someone wad logged into her computer.

"I told you guys to not use my computer!" She said. "We're sorry, we were just looking for something... And we're sorry about the lonely smell..." The two boys apologized.

"Where's Jeongmin?" Damin asked. "Up here." Jeongmin peaked down from the top bunk. Gunwoo's phone started to buzz and he looked at it.

"How does Kang Inbeom know my number?" He asked confused. Just then a photo was sent to him. It was of Mr. Oh passed out. Damin took the phone out of his hand.

"Grandpa... What did they do to him?" Damin asked. Then the phone started to buzz again. Without hesitation, Damin answered.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you." She said before hanging up.

"What was that?" Jeongmin asked. "Yah. You should tell us what he said." Woojin chimed in. "He said to go to the Four Garden Mall in an hour." Damin said.

"If we call the cops... They'll kill my grandpa." She added.

As Jeongmin sat on the bed, Damin came up and opened the small compartment next to the bed and took out her crossbow.

"You're helping?" Jeongmin asked. "Yeah. It's my grandpa we're talking about here." Damin said, putting together her bow.

Jeongmin put on her ankle pocket that held her knife before putting her pant leg over it. The two girls headed down the stairs.

"Damin, what's the bow for?" Woojin asked. "To save my grandpa." She said. "Absolutely not, it's too dangerous. We'll go, just the three of us." Gunwoo said.

"Move." She said. She aimed her arrow and shot it.

The four of them headed out and made their way to the mall, followed by Gwangmu.

Meeting there, they created a small plan.

"You marines go in, followed by Jeongmin since you guys are the ones they're expecting. Me and archery will go around the back and get them from the top." Gwangmu said.

They all headed off.

The three of them walked inside, the door being blocked behind them.

"Where is Mr. Oh!?" Gunwoo yelled. "Kill them!" Inbeom yelled his order. One came to attack Gunwoo with a metal bar, but he grabbed the bar and punched him.

After so, he repeatedly punched the man.

Then the fight started.

They separated into their own little groups, taking out each side they could.

When things started to get crowded for Jeongmin, she punched on of the men and held her against her chest, quickly taking out her knife from her ankle pocket and holding it against the mans neck.

She then turned it around, pointing the knife at the crowd around her. They backed up away from her, which was her plan. Scare them,

"What? You're scared of a knife?" She scoffed. "At least I don't use weapons during a fight. This knife is just a bluff." Jeongmin threw her knife away from her and tossed the man into the crowd that still surrounded her.

With that distraction, she was able to fight off the others behind her.

As things were being handled, arrows kept flying left and right because of Damin.

As most of them were already down, Gunwoo headed to fight the final boss, Inbeom.

"Yah. I'm gonna go up there and help." Woojin put a hand onto Jeongmin's shoulder while using his other to point to the two fighting above them. Jeongmin nodded and he sprinted off as she continued to hold down the bottom level. Jeongmin walked through the lying bodies and found her knife she threw earlier and placed it back into its holder.

"Are you good?" Gunwoo asked the girl. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said with a nod. "You?" She asked him. "I'm good too." He said as they both were out of breath. "Let's go up there." He grabbed a hold of her hand and they ran up the stairs where they met the rest.

They helped bring down the man that Woojin dealt with so they can tie him up and be next to Inbeom.

Gwangmun had started asking the professional MMA fighter some questions but he wouldn't budge.

"Where is Mr. Oh?" Gwangmu continued to ask but he still wouldn't answer.

"Let me see your arrow." Gwangmun held his hand out for Damin but she refused. "I'll give it back, just let me use it." He said. She handed him an arrow and he took it.

"Wait." Jeongmin stepped up. "What?" Gwangmun looked at her confused. She sent a punch to the fighters face. "Aish-" He groaned. "Sorry, just... I never got into the professional side of MMA so." She smiled.

She looked at Gwangmun. "You can continue now." She backed up.

He looked back at the fighter with the arrow in his hand.

"Do you know what becomes of a bloodhound that lost its master?" Gwangmu asked the man. "It becomes a stray that just mauls anyone in sight!" Gwangmu added then proceed to stab the mans leg.

"You're fine... You're just in shock." Gwangmu looked at the guy. "The real pain comes... When I pull this out!" Gwangmu took out the arrow from his leg and the man groaned.

"For a guy who used to be in the MMA, let alone, uses a knife for a fight... You're really gonna let an arrow bring you pain... Embarrassing." Jeongmin shook her head.

Gwangmu turned to the four.

"Please cover our archers ears." He said. Woojin covered her ears and Gunwoo covered her eyes.

He proceed to place the arrow at the mans area.

"You don't have a family, right?" Gwangmu asked, adjusting the arrow. "It'd be a shame if you wanted to have kids in future." He said.

Gwangmun continued to talk as he slid his hands down the arrow, pretending as if he was gonna stab the man. He continued to tease the man as he was in fear.

"I'll give you three seconds to talk." Gwangmu said. "Three... Two... One." He counted down. When he reached one, he slid his hands down the arrow once more.

"Wait!" The man panicked. "What? Why?" Gwangmu asked. "I'll talk, sir." The man admitted.

They quickly carried the man, along with Inbeom, to the cars outside and went their separate ways to find Mr. Oh and to get more answers.

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