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~ 5 Months Later ~

The last words she spoke worked. The two were no where to be seen around the girl, they distanced themselves from Hyeonju as well but still talked to her once in a while.

After the massacre party, Jeongmin gave back the money to Height Up and received more money in return.

Jeongmin and her group went on many more missions after that as well.

Gunwoo and Woojin went on with their boxing in which they were succeeding even more and more in.


"Is it just me or did I actually like helping Height Up?" Minjoo asked as she threw a piece of candy in her mouth. "No doubt." Sunho agreed. "That's only because they treated us like actual business partners and not something that was being used once and dumped right after." Jeongmin said setting down the tray of food at the table.

"I already came to an agreement with Kim Jeonwoo, we'll be working with him and his business a lot. We'll still be working as freelances but we'll never go for him and his group and whenever they need us, we'll push back our other missions for them." Jeongmin confirmed.

"So are we working with them or for them at this point?" Jisung asked. "With. We're still our own group." Jeongmin replied.

They all continued to eat and talk.

"Kim Gunwoo?"

"Is that Kim Gunwoo?"

"Also Hong Woojin?"

The group looked up to see the two boys who easily got crowded by fans. They talked to them and took pictures before they got some peace away from them all.

Jeongmin sighed as she watched, only to look away and continuing with her group.

Gunwoo and Woojin sat down with their food and began to eat while they talked.

Jeongmin looked up, meeting eyes with Gunwoo before she looked away.

Her group finished and they headed out.

"She seems like she got colder." Woojin shivered. "What does it matter?" Gunwoo questioned. "It's nothing for us to worry about." He added.

~ 𖣓 ~

"Park Jeongmin's weak spot..." The man tapped his finger on his desk. "Wouldn't it just be her boyfriend?" He tilted his head.

"So, my plan is to kidnap him, hold him hostage... We'll get her there easily." He smiled.

"Mr. Cheon." One of his goons stepped up. "Hm?" He looked at him. "How's all of this gonna go down?" He questioned. "We don't even know where this boy lives."

"Well then, get the researchers on it." He clapped his hands, rushing his goons.

~ 𖣓 ~

The group walked back inside to their gym from finishing a mission. 

"How's your hand?" Sunho asked. Jeongmin opened her hands. "Doing good." She nodded. The stitches were already out, her hands were just healing fully on their own now.

Everyone went and washed off from the messy mission.

"Well..." Minjoo sat. "What?" Jeongmin cocked an eyebrow. "Wanna go on a blind date?" Minjoo wiggled her eyebrows. Jeongmin sighed, "no, I don't." She leaned back. "Why not? Don't you think it's time to get back into the dating game?" Minjoo asked.

"No, I don't, Minjoo." Jeongmin spoke. "I'm still busy doing work, there's not time to date in this industry." She added. "No fun." Minjoo sat back. "Hey, hey hey... Don't say that." Sunho sat. "I don't see you dating anyone, Minjoo."

"That's because I'm too good for a guy." She shook her head. "Mhm." He looked at her. 

"I'm here." Hyeonju walked into the gym. "Oh~" Jeongmin got up and walked with Hyeonju. "So~ Any information on the next group yet?" Jeongmin asked as she threw her arm around the girls shoulder.

"Not much." Hyeonju sighed. Jeongmin sighed as well as they both sat in her office. "Also, here's last weeks notes." Hyeonju slid it across the table. Jeongmin took it and placed it into her note files.

"I also called Jeonwoo, he wants us for a mission next week about the Hye family? Apparently, they're new to the whole loan game and tried to play Height Up." Jeongmin shortly explained.

"I'll get the others to look into it." Hyeonju said as Jeongmin nodded. 

The two continued on with a conversation about current and future missions before they were interrupted.

"Package." Sunho said bringing it into the room. He placed it onto the desk. Jeongmin stood up and started to open it. "What is it?" Sunho asked. "A gun?" Jeongmin questioned as she took off the top of the box.

"That's it? Nothing more?" Hyeonju asked. Jeongmin shook her head. Hyeonju placed the lid back on and took the box, placing it beside her. "I'll get the investigators to look at it." Hyeonju said as she started writing down notes.

"What is this?" Jeongmin sat back down in her chair. "What?" Hyeonju asked. "Why are you acting like my assistant?" Jeongmin cocked an eyebrow. "Assistant?" Hyeonju asked. "Are you trying to get promoted?" Jeongmin asked. "Maybe." Hyeonju smiled.

"You know I'd promote you if you asked." Jeongmin said. "Yeah, I know." She said. "But I also just wanted to see how fast you'd figure it out, took you since I walked in." Hyeonju said.

"So, what promotion do you want?" Jeongmin asked. "I wanna be on the investigation team." Hyeonju said. "Okay." Jeongmin nodded. She took out her board that held the positions and switched Hyeonju over to investigator.

"Done." Jeongmin put it away. "Too easy." Hyeonju smiled. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go study this package..." Hyeonju picked up the box and left.

~ 𖣓 ~

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