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--- 1 Year Later ---

"Wah... Just like old times." Sunho said as they all entered the gym. They were all wiping blood off of them. "Can't wait for our next one." Minjoo said.

Jeongmin's phone rang and she picked it up.

"Hello?" She said. "Is it done?" The mans voice asked. "Yeah, we just finished." Jeongmin sad. "Good. Thank you, Jeongmin. I'll contact you whenever I need anymore assistance." He said.

"Of course." She said before hanging up. 

Over the year, Jeongmin cut ties with everyone. She didn't want her feelings to get the best of her and to ruin her friends lives. No one had knew where she was or what she was doing at all.

Since Gunwoo and Woojin knew where her gym was, she moved everything away and into a new gym, she even got a new phone and number.

Since the incident and not actually killing Myeonggil and his crew, they managed to expose who Jeongmin was, causing her to have to go public along with her group.

So, her and her group started to work as professionals and not just for one person or group. They worked with everyone, it was first come, first serve at this point. Everyone was their enemy. 

No one outside of the loan business knew who they were, so it was safe from there.

With that, Jeongmin had finally lost a fight within the year, but just one. Everything went wrong. One of her group members accidentally made a sound during one of their missions, leading the enemies to spot them and they had acted quickly.

As Jeongmin was assuring her member that it was okay, she didn't realize the person walking up to her and slashing her cheek. It was a deep cut, so she had to get stitches and it left a scar.

Jeongmin walked over to the back where the money lied. She took it out of the case and organized them all into separate pays for her members.

"Come get your money." She said. Everyone came over and took their pay for the mission that they had finished.

"Alright, see you guys tomorrow." Jeongmin said as she was closing the gym. "See you." Everyone bid their goodbyes to each other.

"Let's go." Sunho said. Jeongmin grabbed her bag and walked out the door as he turned off the lights and locked the door behind him.

The two walked off to the nearby cafe.

They ordered drinks and sat down.

"I still gotta say, the scar makes you look cooler... And more of a threat." Sunho said as he sipped his drink. Jeongmin sighed. "I know, I'm literally the best." Jeongmin nodded.

"You little narcissist." He scoffed as she smiled.

"So... It's been like a year since everything... How are you feeling?" He asked. "Feeling about what?" Jeongmin asked. "You know... That forbidden name." Sunho said.

"Well... I still think of him... He's in my mind every now and then... Is it bad if I say I miss him?" She looked at him. "It's not bad, Jeongmin." Sunho sighed.

"See." He sat up in his seat. "Your issue is that... You grew up in the orphanage with no one loving you, not experiencing love, so you tend to push people away. You don't want experience love because it's something you're not used to." Sunho explained.

"Maybe if you and Gunwoo happened, then you could have been a changed person." He shrugged.

"But the thing is, Gunwoo is back to his normal life. He doesn't work in this field... And if we did date, it'd put him into danger." Jeongmin frowned a little. 

"Look, they're playing re-runs of the fights earlier." A girl behind Jeongmin said. Jeongmin and Sunho looked up at the tv that was playing the boxing matches from earlier today.

"Kim Gunwoo with his famous strong left hook!" One of the commentators said. "Let's watch that again." The other said. "Once again, Kim Gunwoo with his strong left hook. This is the same move he's pulled a lot. He takes steps, weaving left and right to confuse the opponent and sending them out with a left or right hook." They explained.

"And it comes back to haunt me every time." Jeongmin looked away from the tv. "Yeah..." Sunho said sitting back. Jeongmin couldn't help but watch the tv to see Gunwoo.

She was happy that he was able to continue on with his career as a boxer. He managed to become a professional quickly, along with Woojin.

As she was distracted by the tv, she didn't notice the two people walking in and talking.

"You did great out there!" Woojin cheered his friend. "It was nothing." Gunwoo was flustered. They ordered their drinks and stood aside as they continued to talk.

"Excuse me." A girl came up to them. "Are you guys Kim Gunwoo and Hong Woojin?" She asked. "Oh, yeah." They nodded. "Can I get a picture?" She asked excited. "Sure." They smiled.

They posed for the picture as the girl thanked them and left.

They continued to talk and laugh until Woojin's eyes caught on someone.

Jeongmin looked away from the tv and back at her friend.

"Do we have any cases for tomorrow?" Sunho asked as he looked through his schedule on his phone. "No." She shook her head. "Tomorrows our off day. The next time we have a mission is next week. It's for..." Jeongmin looked at her phone.

"For the Son's. They're asking us to take out Multiple Ent." She said. She continued to read on. "They said, Multiple Ent. had lied about their trust and contract. They signed the contract which stated fair payments between the two companies as long as they cooperated. Since then, Multiple Ent. had broken their trust due to unfair payments." Jeongmin read off.

"They lied saying they didn't have the money, but the Son's have found proof that Multiple Ent. does have the money stored away." Jeongmin finished.

"Bloodhounds back at it." Sunho went in for a high-five and Jeongmin returned.

"Yah." Woojin tapped the boy. "Hm?" Gunwoo looked at his friend but his friend was facing in a certain direction. "Is that..." Woojin pointed over. Gunwoo looked over and saw the familiar face.

"Park Jeongmin." Gunwoo smiled.

He went over and stood beside the girl.

"Jeongmina-ah!" He smiled big. Jeongmin realized the voice and she looked up, meeting the face of Gunwoo.

"Shit..." She said under her breath. 

"How have you been? Did you change your number? We've tried contacting you but you never responded... What happened?" He asked the questions he wanted to know.

"We have to go." Jeongmin said getting up with Sunho. The two boys looked at her confused. "What? Why?" Woojin asked. Jeongmin sighed. "We're busy." She said.

"But... We're finally seeing each other after a whole year." Gunwoo said, slightly pouting. Jeongmin's heart broke seeing it but she kept herself together. 

Once he was finally able to see her face fully, he noticed the scar on her left cheek. 

"Your face... Are you okay?" He asked worried, trying to reach out to her scar.. "I'm fine." She said coldly, pushing his hand away. "Well... Let's sit down and catch up." Woojin said. "Yah... If I haven't contacted you guys within a whole year... Shouldn't it mean something?" She cocked an eyebrow.

The two boys stayed silent.

She nodded looking at the two.

"Then, we're off." She left with Sunho, leaving the two boys confused. "She hates us now? What did we do to her? Let's backtrack here." Woojin sat down.

~ 𖣓 ~

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